35 | Scream My Name

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Chapter thirty-five

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Chapter thirty-five

Jungkook's last glimpse of Taehyung was to see his misty eyes and teary marks on his cheeks. It was as if someone had ripped the heart out of his chest and squeezed it right in front of his eyes, so hard he felt like the entirety of his innards had started bleeding.

The words 'I love you' continued to rant in his head on an endless loop, bringing him both a sense of solace and anguish. Solace, because he knew the omega's feelings were sincere and their love wasn't just an illusion, but something real, mutual and special.

Anguish, because he wished to say those three simple words to Taehyung in other circumstances. Not now when the crucial battle had finally begun, not now when the words sounded more like an inevitable goodbye than a love confession.

A life of higher joys was a life with more tears of all kinds. Every blessing was a curse. Only by accepting the curse in full measure could you receive the blessing in full ration. Jungkook loved Taehyung. And if he ever lost him, he would be destroyed. Taehyung was his greatest blessing.

Jungkook's eyes were filled to the brim with unshed tears, but he never let them roll down his face, though he wished to release every single emotion that thumped through him at this moment. The alpha swallowed down the overwhelming swirl of feelings and wiped away the tears with the back of his hand.

He focused his attention back on his surroundings, seeing the two wolves that were approaching him just a few moments ago now knocked down on the ground by Yumi and Jimin. How much he wanted to run up to his friends and embrace them in his arms, but the more he stayed there and did nothing to stop the war, the more people died under his stare.

And so, he ran. His footsteps were loud as he dashed into the cacophony of screams, shouts, weapons, and destruction. The heels of his boots hitting the ground heavy and purposeful. He didn't stop maneuvering through the woods, passing by multiple wolves running and growling, some huddling behind trees as if the rogues would disappear if they waited it out. An extremely powerful growl blasted from somewhere and shook the ground, but Jungkook didn't let himself stop.

Jungkook was panting by the time he reached the pack, heart wrenching at the sights of so much of the bungalows destroyed. Shops and stalls had crumbled down, all kinds of goods and clothing sprawled around and left abandoned as people must have ran for their lives.

And the bodies he had passed by in pools of blood—the alpha shivered, heart sinking thinking of just how many lives had been lost in the time they hadn't arrived.

Finally, he stopped in front of the pack house where the massive doors hung open, the sentries that were usually posted on each side of the entrance now lied with their backs leaning against the stone walls, lifeless and mutilated.

Jungkook gulped harshly, climbing up the steps, heart thundering even more as he neared the corpses. The young alpha knelt before one of them, careful not to touch anything, but roaming over the man's injuries in as much detail as he could. He examined the killer's handiwork with disgust. The face had been battered into an indistinguishable pulp, probably with claws or the blunt handle of a dagger.

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