08 | Stranger danger

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Chapter eight

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Chapter eight

It was right before the sun was supposed to appear that Jungkook heard the sound of someone else. A warning growl left him at the first sound of leaves crunching, and even though the smell that hit his nose was familiar, he didn't relax.

Taehyung must have sensed it, too. They both exchanged quick glances before getting out of the cabin. The omega's silver dagger hung at his side in a gilded scabbard.

Even when the familiar scent was from a wolf higher in command, Jungkook didn't lower his haunches.

"Don't" He tried to say when Taehyung hurried to walk past him, gently wrapping his fingers around his elbow to push him behind himself, the gesture was almost protective. The sudden urge to keep the omega safe consumed him in a matter of seconds.

The omega glared daggers at him, ready to pull his arm out of his firm grip and run in the woods, but an unfamiliar voice interrupted them both.

"Oh, shut up, it's me."

Jungkook let out one more low growl before he pushed Taehyung's body flush against his chest, protecting the omega from the possible danger. At least the newcomer didn't come too close to the edge. He was just closer than he was allowed to be.

"Alpha sent me to find you. Calm it down." Someone appeared from behind one tree. He didn't look too mean; his countenance was actually stunningly beautiful when he turned to face them fully. He had huge plump lips and almond eyes that were perfectly shaped and sparkly. His jet-black hair was tied in a knot on top of his head, stuck through with an expensive looking pin. He regarded Taehyung with confusion when the boy just gaped after catching his attention, too taken with the man's handsome features to say what he meant to.

There was no doubt the handsome stranger was an alpha. The strong scent of elderflower and dominant aura screamed power.

Jungkook was, instantly. Alarm shocked through him, and his body stiffened a bit.

"I told my father not to send other wolves after me" he said through gritted teeth. Taehyung's curious eyes skidded between them, wondering what was going on and who the mysterious stranger was. "You escaped, Jimin. I know you're lying."

"Alpha wants you beside Namjoon hyung," the person who Taehyung assumed as Jimin said. "It's an order."

Jungkook's look visibly darkened and the omega could sense the slight change in his scent. The tension in the air increased rapidly and Taehyung felt somehow small in the presence of the two alphas.

"He is not going anywhere" Taehyung spoke up, shrugging off Jungkook's hand as he took a step forward.

The sudden spark of confidence made both alphas look at him in devastation, with the tiny difference that Jimin was more shocked than Jungkook.

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