06 | What am I?

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Chapter six

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Chapter six

Things were bad.

Very bad.

If Jungkook had expected to get through training based on his brain, he didn't anymore.

Thanks to Taehyung, Jungkook found out that he was lacking at many other things, not only physical endurance. He was bad at archery, and apparently using a sword. The omega told him that he wasn't holding the katana right and using one hand was making his posture more unstable. He corrected him for every single thing he did. And when they got in a combat, Jungkook was the first to lose his sword and fall defenselessly on the ground.

No matter how skilled the omega was, though, he couldn't overpower an alpha. The fact of it was, he was simply too weak for a combat and physical fighting. He may had been able to make Jungkook submit without too much of a struggle, but that was the only thing he had succeeded at thus far. Yes, his fighting skills were indeed miraculous and unrecognizable to Jungkook's knowledge, but his physical structure was a big minus. He was small, fragile and could get easily bruised, just like any other omega. His temper, though, could be compared to an alpha's spirit. Taehyung didn't give up without a fight, even if his opponent was ten times stronger than him, he would fight till his last breath. Jungkook admired him for his strong will. Perhaps his savage temperament was the reason why he could make an alpha submit to him.

"Again!" Taehyung yelled loudly when Jungkook yet again missed the target. He looked exasperated, pinching the bridge of his nose with his fingers as he watched the alpha contemplate.

The omega had set up multiple targets by the tree line of the forest that served as birders between the open field of the forest and his cottage.

Jungkook's muscles began to ache as he had to shoot arrow after arrow.

The alpha felt him nagging eyes bore into him as he tried to move around and do his job. Unsure of whether he had started imagining things or not, he paid a hopefully cautious glance in the direction of the omega, skidding his eyes over his face first, over his long, carefully built body, his casual stance and magnificent stare.

Jungkook groaned in annoyance and threw the bow on the ground.

"I'm done for today!" he huffed out, turning around to glare at Taehyung. He fervently believed he was doing the right thing, and yet his shots always missed the target.

Taehyung, as if he was expecting this to happen, rolled his eyes at Jungkook and snatched the bow from the grass. With the proper stance and undivided attention, he was ready to breathe out and release the arrow he was currently holding. The sharp point of the wooden stick perfectly landed on the middle of the target in a blink of an eye.

With no rest, a hand grabbed another arrow, then quickly aimed at the same target where a few arrows were already stacked.

When he was finally done emptying the quiver, he lowered his hands and let his arms rest, panting slightly. Taehyung charged his gaze across the targets, then swirling on his tiptoes to lock eyes with Jungkook.

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