61 | The One With The Confusions

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-M A D H A V    R A M A K R I S H N A-

Deep breaths.

Deep fucking breaths is what I take when I am to take in everything that has changed phenomenally.

How is Deva Akka alive?

How am I married to Siya?

Where on earth is Shyaam? The very thought of him makes me feel very perturbed and troubled.

How am I not married to Shree?

Siya wraps her arms around me and kisses my neck.

"Siya, do you think I changed after we- uhm married?" I ask. 

"Of course you haven't. You are the same old carefree, easy going relaxed man I fell in love with!" She says. 

Carefree? I was never carefree.

"You let me wear literally anything! You weren't strict condemning boyfriends! I felt so free with you!"

I what? Blinking twice I look at her.

"You're not joking, right?" I ask.

"No baby boo!" She says.

I squeeze my mind. Siya hated for being one of those  strict condemning boyfriends. We argued several times on the appropriateness of her short dresses and flimsy clothes. I have yelled at her for roaming around irresponsibly in the late evenings. That was one of the things she hated in me. The major blow was when her father disapproved of our relationship. She spoke to me the next day and said that we need to break up. What could have happened differently?

"Were there any hiccups or troubles when we were getting married?" I ask.

"Oh there was so many. Can't you remember, baby?" She asks. "My father was disappointed when he found out about us. He told me the only problem was your caste. He ordered me to break up with you and to marry his friend's son." 

"What happened later?" I ask.

"You can't remember?" She asks and I shake my head. "I broke up with you and prepared to get married to who ever that man was! On the night before the wedding, I get a call from your mother. She made me realize that I still loved you. So I ran away and came to you. But you left to the United Kingdom. She booked me the tickets and gave me money and sent me to Oxford in the next available flight. We reconciled in Oxford and we continued living together."

"What happened next?"

"My family disowned me but the only family I wanted was you. We lived as unmarried couples in Donnington until you did your Masters. I worked in the nearby school as a Hindi teacher. Those were the best days, Madhav. When we came back to India a few years ago, you asked my father to take me and get me married to you. He said no. You were really sad. You took me to the nearest mandhir and we married."


That's my favourite part." She says saucily. "It rained heavily. It wasn't a good idea to go home in that heavy rain. You decided it was best for us to spend the nice at the nearby lodge. Oh baby, you couldn't keep your hands off me for one little second. Mmm that was the best way to commemorate our 600th sex. Still surprises me that you have the same desire and enthusiasm you had when we first made love."

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