Chapter 12

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<Awesamdude's POV>

Me, Ponk and Night are going to win this competition, I don't think there is a prize no one agreed one one I think you just get gloating privileges. Even still I like gloating. I take a step back stretching my aching arms because we were stupid and no one brought a bucket and spade with them.

"Sam what are you doing we need to finish this to win." Ponk says.

"Sorry I was just stretching, don't you think this is big enough like it's up to Nights waist." I say pilling more sand on the mound, which we are calling a castle.

"Why stop now when we still have time left and we can make it bigger." Night says earning an exited 'Yeah' from Ponk.

I can't say no to those two they seem so happy and it's adorable, I sigh in frustration and help them pile up more sand.

After another 15 minuets Sapnap calls out to everyone saying that our time was up and we all need to stop building. By now our castle was up to about Nights chest height, she is 5'6 so it's quite tall. We have definitely won this it may not be the prettiest but it's the biggest.

"Who is judging castles, are we talking photos and sending them to Dadza or is someone here judging." Ponk says.

"I thought Schlatt and Callahan said they would judge." Night offers.

"But didn't they build one themselves unless they aren't counting it?" I say, earning a shrug from both of them, "helpfull."

"What we know as much as you do." Night says acting fake offended.

I notice Schlatt and Callahan walking round looking at the castles, they must be judging after all. They don't seem to have been blown away by any of the castles yet and we are making sure they don't get any sneak peeks at our castle by standing unground of it.

Eventually they make their way ground to us as we are the last group to be judged.

"So what have you guys made?" Callahan says, we step to the side revealing our castle, well it's more of a mound but you know imagination. "Wow it's huge!" Callahan exclaimed.

"That's what she said." Schlatt said. He literally had no expression like full on deadpan how???

"Ahhh Schlatt noooo!" Ponk whines.

"It's alright Ponkie." I say.

"Well you guys deffo win on size, but Niki, Techno, Fundy and Will did make this awesomely intricate castle so they may have the edge." Callahan said gesturing to theirs. I look over to their castle it is amazing how they made that out of sand I don't know, but it's deffo better than ours.

"That's fair ours is just a large mound I'm happy to lose to that." Nighty says giggling, she doesn't have a point about the mound.

"Sam can I jump on the castle from your shoulders?" Ponk asks as Schlatt and Callahan walk off to tell Niki and her group that they won.

As much fun as it sounds I'm pretty suite Ponk would break his ankle if he tried that, I'm not even sure how he'd jump from my shoulders. Sounds painful for both of us.

"Um I think you may break your ankle but I can lift you up and drop you on it?" I say.

"That sounds awesome!" He shouts.

"You two are going to get yourselves killed." Night says laughing at us, but not stopping us.

I pick Ponk up, "Ready?"

To witch the response was a muffled, "No I'm scared, your very tall." From Ponk who clung onto me for dear life.

"Aw it's ok Ponkie." I say rubbing circles on his back then lowering him down so he can stand by himself.

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