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" i still don't understand why spence and i cant sleep in the same room" miah said innocently to her dad as the gathered the blankets she needed for her bed.

"your on crack if you think i would let you two sleep in the same room" zion laughed in his daughters face making her roll her eyes. miah walked upstairs to her room which she shared with gigi and sage.

"whyd i hear your dad cackling" sage twisted her face at miah who had an annoyed look on her face.

" she def asked him about spence and the sleeping arrangements" gigi snickered.

"i just feel bad he has to share a room with the twins and keenan" miah said innocently

"oh trust me i feel for him" gigi laughed.

"how long you and miah been dating?" vante asked trying to make conversation.

"like 5 months" spence replied

"cool cool" vante replied.

"you guys go to school with us right? i feel like ive seen you around" spence asked sitting down on his bed.

"yeah" tory replied.

"im at seaport" keenan replied.

"oh cool" spence nodded as the conversation slowly began to die out. spence was an easy going guy and was friends with essentially everyone he met, but for some reason it was very difficult to talk with these guys.

all the parents stood around the kitchen drinking together while their children were in their rooms doing who knows what. asia rested her hands against the kitchen island with a glass of red wine poured for her. zion stood behind her pressing her back to his chest, taking in her sweet scent. zion spun her around so that asia was facing him and he engulfed her in a huge hug.

"you need to close your eyes" zion whispered to asia.

"im not putting that on i just did my makeup" maggie whined to brandon. asia lifted her head from zions chest and looks at the rest of the boys who tried to convince their wives to put blindflids on.

"everyone just put the damn blind folds on" nick raised his voice. asia turned to zion and looked at the blind fold.

"can you just use your hands to cover my eyes?" asia asked.

"shore" zion replied and placed his hands over asias eyes which were closed as well. all the guys ditched the blindfolds and just used their hands which nick wasn't too happy about considering the blindfolds were his idea. they all walked their wives outside getting a scream once and then due to fear that they would walk into something.

"stay here eyes closed" austin said to ansley and lifted his hands from her eyes but her eyes remained closed. the rest of the boys did he same and stood in front of their wives

"open in 3...2...1.." the boys said together and the girls all opened their eyes. their eyes adjusted to the new lighting but viewed the beautiful wine, charcuterie boards and flowers that were set up outside on the table.

"oh my god" maggie stuck out her bottom lip looking at the beautiful set up.

"aweeeeee" izzy hugged edwin.

"ok give it up who's idea was it" alexis announced to the boys as she hugged nick

"that would be ours" edwin pointed to him and austin

"baby" ansley pouted out her bottom lip and hugged austin.

"thank you boys" asia smiled and walked towards the food holding zions hand behind her. they all began to dig into the boards, poured themselves fresh glasses of wine and admired the clear night sky of laguna.

"some times i miss being young" asia huffed looking up at the stars playing with zions hand

"why no kids?" zion chuckled jokingly

"no because ive got a fucking head ache and ive only had three glasses of wine" asia replied making everyone laugh

"me too girl" ansley shook her head

"i can't even remember life before miah honestly" asia scrunched her face trying to think back to 17 years ago before she was pregnant.

"wait like same" izzy agreed

"damn were old" asia shook her head and everyone began laughing.


dont forget to go read my new book under cover and undercovers!!

the kuwonusDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora