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it was around 8 o'clock and asia stood in the kitchen getting the popcorn and snacks ready for the family movie night they planned. zion came from the downstairs hall and took a piece of popcorn out of the first bowl that was done making asia slap his hand. miah came downstairs not to long after zion and did they same exact thing making asia slap her hand away as well.

"i swear y'all share the same brain" asia shook her head while the rest of the popcorn popped. miah and zion looked at her and rolled made the same mocking face proving her point. zion stood up to grab a water and stood next to asia as he drunk it. asia pokes his side motioning her head to their daughter making zion internally groan.

"hey miah if you want you can invite spence over for movie night" zion chocked out.

"you sure?" miah looked at him shocked.

"i said it didn't i?" zion looked at her sassily.

"yeah but looked like you had a heart attack while you did" miah laughed back.

"don't-" zion began to warn her.

"thank you" she smiled at him and ran to her room to get her phone.

"see wasn't that hard" asia smiled at him popping another piece of popcorn in her mouth.

"miah the door!" asia called down to miah.

"try" asia looked at zion and smiled slightly at his trouble to like spence.

"i brought you this" asia and zion heard spence say from the kitchen.

"awe i love it" miah replied. soon after they walked in the kitchen spence holding a small vase of flowers and some extra candy and miah holding another small vase of flowers.

"hi mrs kuwonu, these are for you" spence placed their flowers on the island "and my mama never lets me go empty handed so here is some candy for the movie" spence placed those on the counter as well.

"that's so nice of you two!" asia said picking up the flowers and moving them into the center of the counter "they are beautiful" she smiled at him.

"hi mr.kuwonu thank you for having me" spence held out his hand for zion to shake.

"no problem" zion nodded and shook his hand.

"mai how bout you and spence go pick a movie while we get the drinks ready?" asia suggested and mai nodded. she picked up the candy and headed into the theater room with spence. once the two got in the room mai placed the candy down and turned on the projector.

"you in the mood for anything specific, keep in mind jordan is watching with us" miah asked spence.

"ooouu we should watch spy kids" spence recommended.

"why not" miah started the movie but paused it right before it began.

"miles come on" asia tilted her head towards the theater room and miles put down his i pad and ran in before asia and zion. asia and zion enteres to see jordan and spence play fighting on one of the love sacks which instantly made zion feel a little less harsh toward the kid and made asia heart melt a little.

"hey spence get up for me will ya?" asia asked and he nodded.

"jj and miles sit here" asia said and miles and jordan jumped on it excitedly making spence stand there awkwardly. asia motioned her head to the love sack miah was sitting on and he gave her a small smile.

"everyone got popcorn and candy?" zion called out before he dimmed the lights.

"yeah" everyone called back.

"hi this is asia kuwonu, miahs mom.... good how are you... i was just calling we just finished our movie and spence fell asleep a while ago and it's really late now so i was just calling to see if it's alright if we set him up on the couch for tonight because i don't want him driving home tired....ok great yeah i just felt nervous letting him drive home.... don't worry i'll let him know you said it was ok.... ok bye" asia spoke on the phone to spence's mom. asia put her phone down on the counter and walked down the hall to the theater room and peaked in still seeing spence and miah asleep, miahs head on his chest, on the love sack.

"they still asleep?" zion asked as asia crawled into bed.

"yeah knocked out" asia replied laying on top of zion.

"they are kinda cute together i have to admit" zion said lowly.

"mhm look who's coming around" asia smiled cheesily.

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