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"now for everyones favorite part, asia would you like to share your vows?" asia nodded and cleared her throat. her and zion both decided to just say whatever was on their mind for the vows but that wouldn't be a problem for her she could talk about this man for days.

"caleb zion kuwonu, the first time we met was in a broken down elevator. that was the beginning of us. from that night that we met ive done more personal growth then i have in my whole life and that's all because of you. i looked at this boy and said damn he a playa, body count through the roof, an asshole. i dont know maybe its the dreads. but now i look at you and see nothing but the most loving, patient, and hardworking person i have ever met. you have done nothing but care for me, stay loyal to me, and stick by my side through the craziest of times. you entered my life not knowing about my family, and although it should've scared you away it didnt, i still dont know how because shit scared me away. you are my rock caleb zion kuwonu, you are my everything, id would be lost without you. thank you for all the long nights you held me while i cried and for all the mornings you made me breakfast. i know i come with a lot of baggage but you never judge me or look at me different for it and i thank you for that.  i love you, a sickening amount, and i promise to try my best everyday to be as good of a partner that you are to me."

"asia sterling perez blanco, my heart has never been so full. each day i spend with you, you make me a better person. the first night we met at the party, i couldn't even believe that a girl that beautiful was in my premises. your so out of my league and i still dont know why you chose me but ill choose you any day of the year. your kinda like a drug, no pun intended, i can't get enough of you ever.  last night  was our first night apart in months, i couldn't even wait that long i had to call you, we stayed up for two hours just talking. even then you are a breath of fresh air. i know whenever i need something, advice, a shoulder to cry on, or someone to annoy your always there for me. i want you to know that i promise to always be there for you and our future daughter or son, love you unconditionally, and to fight for you. you are one of the strongest women i know and our baby is going to have an amazing mother and  role model."

"asia sterling perez blanco do you take caleb zion kuwonu, in sickness and in health, in good times and bad, to love and cherish for however long you may live?"

"i do"

"and caleb zion kuwonu do you-"

"hells yeah man" zion interrupted.

"well by the power invested in me, you are now pronounced husband and wife, you may now kiss your bride"

"finally" zion whispered pulling asias body close to him wrapping a hand around her waist and pulled up her leg to his hip. they connected their lips so smoothly and moved in sync making sparks fly just like the first night in that garage.

"ouch" asia reacted grabbing her stomach as the baby gave her uterus's firm kick.

"baby's excited" zion rubbed asias stomach.

"yeah" asia smiled at him and pecked him one last time. she then grabbed his hand and walked down the aisle with him while all of their guests clapped for them.

"congratulations baby sister" reese walked up to asia after the toast and the dancing started.

"thank you, and thank you for coming, i really appreciate it" asia thanked reese and pulled him into a huge hug.

"any time, by the way i want you to meet someone" reese pulled out of the hug and turned motioning for a young women to come over. she was stunning to asia, long legs, wavy black hair, a stunning sunflower dress on. she came by reese's side and put an arm around him.

"asia this is rosalia, my wife" reese smiled genuinely.

"hi, it's so nice to meet you!" asia said enthusiastically and hugged rosalia. "she's so pretty" asia mouth over her should to reese as she was hugging her making him smile.

"congratulations, it was which a beautiful reception, you had both of us tearing up with your vows" rosalia held onto asias hands.

"thank you, it's so nice to finally meet you" asia squeezed her hands.

"you as well isabel can't stop talking about you" rosalia laughed.

"where is she?" asia asked curiously.

"she's with your hubby actually" rosalia looked over her shoulder and asia followed her gaze. she saw zion and isabel sitting at a table together with isabel on his lap. they had one big plate full of cake and only one fork. zion fed the two of them and wiped isabels mouth because she had frosting on her chin.

"he's going to be such a good dad"

"i know" asia replied looking down at her stomach.

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