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"who do you want?" asia asked miah playfully as she bounced her on her leg "mamma or dadda?" asia turned her to herself and kissed her on the cheek and then turned her to zion who sat across from her.

"that's not fair you can't kiss her" zion crossed his arm.

"i pushed her out i can kiss her" asia replied sticking her tongue out.

"well i came so she could come into this work so i deserve to be able to kiss her too" zion reached out for miah and took her from asia making her jaw drop. zion kissed her cheek twice and then set her in front of them on her stomach. her eyes wondered up to both of them and her bottom lip began to curl slightly. a small cry came from her mouth and then was followed by multiple other loud cry's.

"come here baby" asia picked you miah and began to rock her but she continued to cry.

"my turn" zion motioned for miah and asia gave her to him. zion held her for a second and her cry's stoped almost immediately. zion looked up at asia with a smug smile making asia roll her eyes at him.

"what can i say she's a daddy's girl" zion kissed her cheek.

"are you guys trying to see who she likes better again?" edwin walked in with a post mates bag in his hand.

"no" asia replied standing up.

"yes yes we were" zion stood up and repeatedly kissed miah making her smile.

"ok first y'all need to stop, second i brought the food you guys wanted" edwin crosses his arms giving them a look that would only make them feel bad. asia grabbed a box of the lo mien and sat in a seat at their island.

"you talk to him yet?" edwin asked referring to reese while he too enjoyed some lo mien.

"nah" asia replied taking another bite of her noddles.

"it's been like a month since you talked to rosalia right? who by the way is much to pretty for him" edwin said like he was interested in her.

"yeah, i don't know when i think i'm ready" asia shrugged. she didn't mind edwin asking but she had truly moved on and accepted that reese would always be a drug lords son.

"ok then i support you" edwin nodded putting down his food. he looked back at the oven which displayed the time and then he walked over to zion taking miah from him.

"now you two need to go get ready for your date and leave me and my god baby to have the best movie marathon ever" edwin said cradling miah.

"i'm not so sure i should go" asia admitted feeling worried about leaving miah.

"no your going" edwin stopped asia "both of you" he looked to zion who shared the same worries look. asia and zion looked at eachother and then nodded and headed up stairs together.

"bye bye mama i'm gonna miss you so much" asia kissed miahs head watching her lips curl slightly upwards making it that much harder to leave her.

"mamas we got to go" zion called from the front door, who already said goodbye for thirty minutes.

"have fun you two" edwin eyed them as he closed the front door.

"you sentimental as shit" asia laughed at zion as he pulled up to the same lookout they had their first official date at, forgetting about the one at the movies.

"what can i say" zion looked at asia and shrugged making smiles spread across their faces. they both got out of the g wagon and went to the back grabbing the dominos that they picked up on the way and a corona for zion and a seltzer for asia. zion boosted asia up to the top and then followed her.

"wow" asia looked at the overlook admiring the beatituful pinks and oranges that made the sky look like it was painted on a canvas. zion agreed and cracked open his corona taking a sip and cheers with asia.

"so what's your favorite emoji?" zion asked curiously and knowingly asking the same questions as he did four years ago.

"the rolling eyes emoji" asia replied eyeing zion.

"well then" zion shifted in his seat "mines the peach" zion raised a brow at asia.

"that's cause you got cakes?" asia raised a brow back at zion.

"hell yeah, i'm packing the most cake in this relationship" zion stuck his butt out.

"you right" asia slapped his butt which he hated. zion gave asia the eye after she slapped him making a huge smile appear on her face.

"don't" zion warned trying to hide the smile on his face.

"my bad" asia wiped the smile off her face poorly.

"hey!" a man called from his car making the two of them turn around frightened "wrap it up this is only open to 7" the cop spoke sternly. zion and asia laughed a tiny bit at the fact that the same thing happened 4 years ago.

"sorry officer we will get going" asia waved to him and began to get their things together making the cop pull away.

"can you help me down?" asia asked zion after she passed down all the trash and the blanket. zion nodded and held onto her hands and then grabbed her hips lowering her down.

"we should go swimming" zion looked into asias eyes as their faces were only an inch apart.

"you just trying to see me in my bikini aren't you kuwonu?" asia raised her brows at him. zion looked away biting his lower lip and then looked back at asia.

"maybe" he whispered kissing her lips.

"swimming it is then" asia kissed him back and bit his lower lip as they broke apart and got in the car to head home.

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