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"nah ion want no one smoking in the house tonight" zion walked over holding asias hand in his and took the blunt right out of neviahs mouth.

"yooooo tf" neviah reacted.

"man i said outside" zion pointed outside. asia stood behind him a bit shyly wanting to avoid suspicion. asia and zion both knew he was doing this because she was pregnant but no one else did, they didn't want to tell anyone untill they were out of the blue because miscarriage rates were so high at this point.

"this some bull shit" neviah mumbled taking the blunt back, placing it lazily between his lips and walked outside. zion turned around frustrated and looked at asia. "thank you" asia mouthed to him.

"hey!" izzy ran up to asia and hugged her.

"hey what's up?" asia hugged her back tightly.

"nothing, why don't you have a drink in your hand yet?" izzy asked clearly a bit tipsy.

"because i'm not-" asia began

"don't be silly" izzy cut off asia. she pulled asia into the kitchen zion following behind but he got pulled off by carter. izzy began by grabbing a cup and looking over the spread of alcohol. asia stood there antsy looking for one of the guys to help her get out of this situation even if they didn't know about the baby. and there standing in the corner of the kitchen was nick standing talking to hayes. asia waved her hand trying to get nicks attention but it only caught hayes.

"aye i think asia wants you" hayes tapped nicks shoulder making him turn around. asia waved nick over frantically.

"hey what's up" asia announced hugging nick only confusing him "i need you to distract izzy, i'm not drinking" asia whispered into nicks ear as she pulled away from the hug.

"hey izzy there is a dance circle starting, they want you in it" nick said excitedly making izzy out the vodka she was about to pour down.

"lit!" izzy yelled and ran towards the living room.

"thank you" asia sighed in relief.

"you good? you never don't have a little something" nick analyzed her, he knew something was a little off.

"just not feeling it tonight. partying sober is fun too" asia replied looking off into the crowd.

"yeah but not as fun" nick laughed shoving her arm slightly. asia gave him a closed mouth smile and then pushed herself away from the counter.

"well i'm going to go find zion, see you around?" asia dusted her hands off on her ripped jeans walking away from nick.

"well dance later" nick raised his cup and then took a sip out of it. asia nodded and then turned around to find zion in the sea of people. asia looked through the crowd but didn't see him, she looked outside as well and nothing. she decided to try the studio because one of the guys was usually hidden up there at one point in the night. asia opened the door to the studio and peaked in to see brandon, zion, and aubrey all in there.

"ayo aige was up my girl!" aubrey hopped off the couch and hugged asia.

"not much, i missed you" asia hugged him back.

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