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asia sat in the living room exhausted from her first two weeks at home with miah. she scrolled through her phone messaging in some of the group chats she was added in by fans. zion walked out into the living room holding miah who had just woken up from her nap.

"is that my baby- what the fuck is on your face" asia looked at zion with wide eyes noticing his newly grown mustache.

"hey hey watch the language" zion covered miahs tiny ears as if she could understand what they were saying "don't listen to her" zion whispered to miah.

"as for this" zion brushed over his mustache with his index finger and thumb "its my dad look"

"oh...." asia looked at him with a frozen face.

"you like?" zion raised his brows at her.

"it needs to go" asia said chuckling.

"funny" zion chuckled along "isn't she funny" zion looked down at miah and talked to her in his baby voice.

"yeah i'm not joking" asia said in a serious tone.

"i think that is the funniest thing you have ever said because the stache is staying" zion replied.

"oh yeah?" asia stood up.

"yeah" zion replied. asia took miah out of zions arms and handed her to mandy who was sitting on the couch.

"i don't think so" asia started to chase zion. he ran through the downstairs with asia close behind him. after he ran through the kitchen he ran up the stairs and asia followed close behind him. finally as zion began to run into asias closet room she jumped on his back.

"fuck" zion whispered under his breath mad that he let asia catch him.

"shave" asia held onto him tightly.

"hey you guys someone here for you!" mandy yelled from downstairs. asia narrowed her eyes at zion and climbed off of him. zion looked at her with his arms crossed waiting for her to go first.

"your shaving tonight" asia said to him and turned leaving the room downstairs.

"you wish" zion said from behind her and followed her down stairs. as they walked downstairs they saw a family of three standing at the door.

"reese?" asia asked surprised but happy to see him. she rushed towards him and gave him a huge hug.

"rosalia it's really good to see you again" asia hugged rosalia while zion dapped up reese. surprisingly they were healing, zion still wasn't 100% there after everything but asia was understanding. but she was just thankful he was trying as hard as he was.

"and omg" asia bent down and isabel came running into her arms "i missed you baby" asia kissed her face repeatedly making her let out a high pitch squeal.

"congratulations you two" reese said.

"thank you, i assume you would like to meet her" asia replied leading them into the house. isabel crawled from asias arms to zion hugging him making zions heart very happy. asia walked into the living room picking up miah from the rocker and sat down in the couch.

"her name is miah sterling perez kuwonu" asia handed reese her baby. miah looked up at reese with twinkling eyes and a smile appeared across her face.

"looks like she likes you" asia smiled looking at the two of them.

"looks like it" reese ran her finger across her cheek before her little hand wrapped her fingers around his thumb "i see you kept perez" reese looked up at asia confused as to why she wanted to keep the name she ran away from for so long.

"well, let's just say i found something good in the name" asia said softly "or someone" asia smiled lightly at reese.

"she looks like you" reese looked up at asia "zion too" reese looked up to see zion who was playing with isabels stuffed animal with her. he felt guilty though for sitting on their couch, being welcomed into their home, having their baby cuddling into his arms with her hand wrapped around his thumb. reese looked at rosalia who was sitting next to him and she offered a caring hand placing her hand on his shoulder.

"do you think we can talk?" reese asked asia gaining zions attention.

"yeah, what's up?" asia replied concerned

"maybe privately" reese said and handed miah to rosalia. asia nodded and lead reese into the lounge room and closed the door behind them.

"is everything ok?" asia asked watching reese stand their nervously, an emotion she didn't know he had.

"no it's not" reese stuttered and took a deep breath.

"what's wrong?" asia came closer to reese putting her hand on his arm.

"i've been lying to you" reese started "i- i- don't want to keep lying to you because you deserve the truth. aige i'm so sorry"

"why? why are you sorry?"

"i killed jefe" reese said. asias heart dropped. she looked at reese in disbelief, there was no way that he could've killed their father. even though she feared him greatly, he didn't deserve to die like that.

"what?" asia took shallow breaths as tears filled her eyes.

"i'm sorry" reese's eyes as well were filled with tears. asia broke down, she was disappointed in reese, he was always cold blooded but never to that extent. but she was also disappointed in herself because secretly when he came to bali and told her she knew, she knew that her father wouldn't just give up looking for her. she knew, but she convinced herself that it wasn't true because of her selfish need to return home.

"get out!" asia pointed her finger at reese as she wiped the tears from her cheek. reese nodded understanding what he did. zion and rosalia watched as they walked from the hall and the flood of emotions that followed with them.

"it's time to go" reese nodded to rosalia and isabel.

"what happened?" zion went by asias side immediately. asia looked up at him with hurt and tears in her eyes and just squeezed his hand. rosalia places miah in the rocker and picked up isabel and walked towards the door.

"but mommy why do we have to leave?" isabels voice spoke as asia closed the door on them.

"mom can you watch miah?" zion called out to mandy who was in the kitchen. mandy nodded noticing asia but decided to wait until later to ask.

"come on mamas" zion picked up asia and brought her up to their room. he sat himself and asia down on the couch in the game room and held her in his arms.

"he killed my dad" asia said as zion ran his fingers through her hair.

"what?" zion replied shocked.

"he killed him" asia repeated "he held our baby. i forgave him" asia said in disgust.

"shhhh" zion pulled asia closer to his chest. zion stayed calm on the outside but on the inside he was just as jumbled as asia, but did he really blame reese?

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