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"you ready?" asia asked zion as they laid in bed. with all the stress from reese, on top of that today was zions meeting with the label to see if they were going to renew their contract or not.

"yeah" zion nodded and sat up from bed. zion stood up grabbing a shirt from a laundry basket and threw it on.

"so you gonna talk to him today?" zion asked asia putting on his hat. asia looked at him unsure of what she was going to do herself. "hey if you want to do it, if you don't then don't, it's your choice" zion walked over and kissed asia twice.

"i'm gonna go get miah" zion exited and renterd a second later holding miah and kissing her face.

"oohhh mama you're cute" asia admired her as zion placed miah in her arms.

"i'm going to get going" zion kissed asia and miah "oh my mom also said that she organized your breast milk in the freezer before she left for the airport"

"she's the best" asia pouted her lips.

"thanks for meeting with me" asia said as she walked with miah through the neighborhood. these walks were the only things that allowed her to clear her mind these days.

"of course, i was a little surprised you reached out" rosalia admitted.

"well i just wanted to talk to you about somethings that had quite honestly been keeping me up at night" asia replied adjusting the stroller so the sun wasn't in miahs face.


"when did he tell you? that he ya know...."

"after the wedding" rosalia replied "it took me a bit to even comprehend what had happened. he explained the situation and i made peace with it after a few long days and nights"

"why did he tell me now? why not just keep it a secret or tell me when he found me and zion in bali?" asia asked confused and frustrated with reese.

"i can't speak for him, but if i know anything about him reconnecting with you has been the best thing that's happened to him. my thought is he just didn't want to loose you again, you guys are the only blood family you have left" rosalia paused "i'm not trying to tell you to forgive him, but i've seen how much this has torn him apart. if anything he needs you, not to forgive him, but to comfort him"


zion and the prettymuch guys stepped out of the uber in front of a building they hadn't stepped foot into since the day they signed five years ago. the were directed through the building by a secretary and admired the pristine offices and lobby's they pasted on the way to the south side of the building.

"mr. hall should be with you shortly, just take a seat and if you need anything just ask sarah at the desk" the secretary smiled and took the elevator down leaving five guys who had no idea what the court one of this meeting was going to be.

"boys how are you?" mr. hall they presumed came out into the hall greeting them with hugs and a smile "come in come in" mr. hall lead them into the conference room. five seats on one side of the desk one of the other with a skyline view of la behind him.

"so we're here to renew correct?" mr. hall smiled pulling paper work from a leather folder he had on the table as well as a couple pens. the guys looked at eachother unsure making mr. hall worry.

"mr.hall we-" nick started.

"please call me brian" he corrected nick.

"well brian, we have been struggling to come to a verdict of weather we wanted to be signed to sony anymore" nick explained very broadly leaving out everything to do with austin, who had an unamused face since they entered the building.

"and why would that be?" brian asked noticeably irritated and annoyed but tried to mask it.

"well-" nick al started again.

"you are the reason why." austin spoke up "all due respect sir, but you don't care about us. you greeted us in the hall as if we were long time friends, you hugged each one of us, like it wasn't our first time even laying eyes on eachother. i bet you read our names off a piece of paper with a photo of us attached above it right before seeing us"

"that's a big accusation isn't that son" brian clenched his first under the table and tried to keep his composure above but it wasn't working. he looked to the other guys as he laughed but none of them were either.

"well give me a moment in that case then" brian stood up adjusting his collar and leaving the room bringing his folder with him.

"man what was that shit!?" brandon lost it in austin.

"was i wrong?" austin shit back.

"you have to give it to him b, he wasn't far off from the truth" edwin sides with austin.

"i ain't sayin he's wrong but even if we do sign now then we gon be treated like shit even more" brandon explained.

"well we won't have the problem cause i ain't signing" austin shook his head and pushed the paper from himself.

"boys how are we?" simon greeted the five of them as he walked into the room with brian following "actually give us the room" simon stopped brian from entering and closed the door.

"so i hear we are having some second thoughts" simon overlooked la and then turned back to the boys "totally normal, especially for successful artists like yourself. now brian expresses your concern but i can assure you that you are one of our top priorities at sony records" simon tried to convince the guys but it wasn't working on any of them.

"here i'll give you a chance to think about it together" simon looked at all of them and then clapped his hands together as he headed towards the door "zion a word in the hall?"

the kuwonusOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora