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"i'm just saying?" austin held out his hands in defense while all the guys at in a circle and the studio.

"we are trying to here you out man but it's not an easy fix" brandon replied. zion rubbed his head as did nick and edwin. they had been arguing, again. and all about the same thing the label.

"our contact needs to be renewed in two months, that doesn't sound too complicated to me" austin stated the obvious. the argument began with austin not wanting to be apart of the label anymore and wanting prettymuch to be independent. then everything got blow up, austin threatened to leave if they renewed the contract which is the last thing the guys wanted.

"i have a family to support man, i can't be fucking around seeing if this might work" zion chimed in leaning back against the studio wall. the guys nodded in response waiting for austin to fire back.

"if we are independent we're going to have all the freedom in the world, do shows where ever and whenever we want, everything is in our control" austin tried to convince the guys.

"we have to control everything, i don't think that you are understanding how much more responsibility we are going to have, if we do this and fail it's our fault no one else's" zion replied. his phone buzzed on the table but he was too caught up to notice it.

"just think about it" austin said getting up and grabbing his jacket "ansleys here" he walked out of the studio. the guys looked around at eachother silently not know what they were going to do.

"hey i think asias trying time reach you" nick pointed to the phone that showed a notification of a missed call from her.

"probably" zion picked up the phone lazily clearing the notification and set his phone back down "she's mad at me"

"what you'd do?" nick asked him jokingly and him and edwin started laughing.

"what'd you do" zion mimicked him in a high pitched voice "i didn't tell her bout all this. two nights ago she flipped at me"

"tough hit man" edwin patted him on the shoulder, zion nodded his head and sucked his teeth in response. his phone buzzed again this time showing a voicemail from asia. he picked it up and listen to his voice mail.

"hey, your mom and i are going to the doctor for the baby, i'm just really not feeling well so just seeing what's up. i guess i'll call you if it's serious, see ya" asias voice rang through the speakers, first breaking his heart she didn't say love you and second worrying the shit out of him.

"shit" zion grabbed his coat and grabbed his keys "asias at the doctors checking on the baby, she said something might be wrong" zion rushed out of the studio not giving time for the guys to reply. he hopped in his car and called asia up immediately.

two hours earlier

asia woke up after having another terrible night's sleep. she was so nauseous, more than just morning sickness and her back was killing her more than usual. she crawled out of bed grabbing his phone seeing it was 9 am. she knew zion wouldn't be here because of another studio sesh they had planned last minute. asia walked downstairs biting her lip because the pain was so bad.

"morning mama" mandy greeted asia as she sat drinking her morning coffee "what's wrong?" mandy rushed to her side conceded as she noticed the tears in asias eyes and the hand on her back.

"my back, i'm so nauseous, i feel terrible" asia let her emotions go and began crying in mandys arms. not all tears were from the pain but about 40% were.

"come sit down on the couch" mandy lead asia to the couch and helped her sit down. at times like this asia was happy she didn't have to be the adult and that mandy was here to be here mom.

"is it worse than usual?" mandy asked asia wiping her tears.

"yeah" asia nodded.

"have you been sleeping?" mandy asked again.

"not much maybe an three hours a night" asia replied.

"we should go to the doctor, you should be sleeping more than that. when i had z i wasn't getting any sleep but it was at least five hours." mandy stood up from the couch grabbing their phone and called the doctors office. mandy helped asia get ready by bringing her clothes downstairs for her making it easier and less painful. by the time they were ready asias pain had eased a little so she could walk without mandys help.

"i'm gonna call z before we leave" asia said to mandy as mandy went to start the call. the call eventually went to voicemail so she just decided to leave a message.

at the doctors

"asia how are you doing?" doctor livingstone asked as she walked into the room seeing the two ladies sitting there.

"could be better" asia admitted.

"hi, doctor livingstone" the doctor introduced herself to mandy.

"mandy, zions mother"

"nice to meet you" the doctor sat down in the spin by chair and turned towards asia "so what's been going on?"

"well i haven't been sleeping, maybe three hours for the whole night. my back has been killing me, more than usual, and i'm just more nauseous all the time" asia explained her symptoms. after some back and fourth of doctor livingstone asking more specifics she came to a conclusion. right as they were about to talk asias phone rang and zions contact popped up.

"sorry" asia said to the doctor who was understanding "hey" she answered.

"hey what's going on are you good, how's the baby?" zion asked noticeably very concerned.

"we're in the appointment right now, we're just about to discuss what we're going to do. i'll put you on speaker" asia pulled the phone away and held it out so he could here why the doctor would say.

"so basically all of your symptoms are stemming from the fact that you are not sleeping. it's common in pregnant women considering it's a big adjustment especially if your a stomach sleeper, which you mentioned you were. i'm going to give you a name of some all natural sleeping gummies. these help relax your muscles so your back pain will fade and you'll have better nights rests which will help with the nausea" she explained scribbling on a piece  of pink paper.

"are these going to hurt the baby?" zion asked from the phone.

"they are all natural made from natural herbs. they also continue many vitamins and minerals that will help the baby to develop fully, so no they are not harmful at all" doctor livingstone replied.

"and how long will they help asia to feel better?" zion asked again.

"well they should work the first night you choose to use them" the doctor looked at asia "and if these don't help and your symptoms keep progressing then we can discuss other options" she smiled kindly.

"ok thank you so much" asia smiled and accepted the piece of paper she handed her with the name of the medication"i call you in the car ok?"

"yeah" zion replied and asia hung up the phone.

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