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"yo you think miah wanna come?" zion asked asia as she packed a diaper bag for kylie for their road trip tomorrow.

"ask her" asia shrugged because miah originally said she wanted to stay home. zion shrugged and headed upstairs towards miahs room and called her name but she didn't respond. zion opened the door and saw spence and miah kissing.

"the fuck gon on in here" zion yelled scaring both miah and spence and also asia downstairs.

"dad what are you doing?" miah looked at zion frustrated.

"what the hell are y'all doing is the question?" zion replied back shocked at what he just saw. even though it was only a peck, zion refused to asked what happened before that.

"z what's going on?" asia called upstairs from the living room but there was no response.

"you guys are joking right?" zion laughed to himself "this must be a joke" he laughed some more leaning against the wall making spence and miah look at eachother "lord please let this be a joke"

"dad" miah tried to cut in.

"spence i think you should leave" zion looked at spence with a serious face.

"yes sir" spence said as he walked out of the room "sorry" he said to zion but zion ignored him. spence walked down the stairs very nervously. asia saw spence walking down the stairs and furrowed her brows.

"what happened?" asia asked spence putting the blanket in her hands down and walked over to the kitchen so he could sit.

"uhhh, well he walked in and he saw us kissing, but i swear it was only a peck that's it" spence told asia nervously thinking she would be mad too. asia shook her head slightly smiling to herself and grabbed a cup of water for spence.

"i'm not mad" asia laughed slightly "it's just hard for him to see her grow up"

"miahs not gonna get in trouble is she?" spence asked concerned.

"no she won't" asia shook her head.

"no laptop or phone for a week- no for a month!" zion yelled and miahs door slammed shut. zion walked downstairs angrily with miahs laptop and phone under his arm and steam coming from his ears. zion walked into the kitchen and placed the laptop and phone on the counter and looked at asia.

"hey spence i think it's time you head home" asia said and spence nodded, asia lead him out and after he walked out asia stuck her head out "i'll have miah call you"

"no she won't!" zion yelled from the kitchen. asia closed the door and walked to the kitchen with a smirk on her face. she looked at zion and crossed her arms.

"your kidding right"

"no i am not kidding" zion replied mocking her stance.

"z she's turning 17 in a month, you really don't think she's kissed a boy before, and i mean really kiss, or her boyfriend?" asia rose her brows at him. zion pretend gagged thinking about what asia just said.

"come here" asia walked over to zion and held her arms out for him. zion hugged asia and asia kissed his chin. zion smiled and leaned down kissing asia back shortly and then kissed her a second time for a bit longer.

"what's so bad about this?" asia looked up at him with her hands on his neck and face.

"nothins bad about this" zion smiled pecking asia once more.

"then why did you burst out on miah and spence?" asia rose her brows at him.

"cause they half our age" zion replied finally understanding what asia was doing.

"babe they are junior and senior in high school" asia replied making zion avoid eye contact with asia and hold eye contact with the sealing for a very long time.

"i ain't saying i'm promoting them having a full make out sesh"

"sure as hell sounds like it" zion looked down at asia with his brows raised.

"but" asia said emphasizing it because she got rudely cut off "it's gonna happen. and a peck doesn't deserve a full out break"

"mhm" zion mocked asia and turn his back walking away from her.

"are you gonna give her back her things or am i?" asia crossed her arms and looked at zion as he slowly turned around.

"you know i notice how i always play bad cop and your always good cop" zion squinted at asia as he picked up miahs phone and laptop.

"those rolls are self assigned baby" asia winked at him. zion sucked his teeth and headed upstairs to miahs room to apologize.

"hey" zion opened miahs door seeing her sitting at her desk doing homework from her textbook.

"hey" mah replied not lifting her eyes off the page. zion walked in and took a seat on her bed behind her.

"can we talk?" zion asked. miah sighed and put down her pencil and turned around in her seat.

"are we gonna talk or at you gonna yell again?" miahs attitude peaked through which she knew could be dangerous but she was already in trouble so why not risk it.

"mai" zion said sincerely.

"fine" miah huffed and sat neck to her dad on the bed.

"im sorry for lashing out on y'all. i mean i meant every word or what i said but i could've handled it better. i get it your growing up blah blah blah" zion threw shade at him and asias previous conversation "but your my daughter and i don't even know this kid"

"it's because you haven't even gotten a chance to know him" miah replied.

"i'll try to, i promise" zion looked at his daughter who had disappointment in her eyes which absolutely broke him.

"thanks" miah gave him a half smile.

"but i'm not saying y'all can go kissing now when ever you want" zion said standing up from the bed.

"dad" miah groaned

"what!?" zion pursed his lips and raised his brows at his daughter.

"stop" miah tried to act mad but couldn't help but smile and laugh. zion held his arms out for miah pulling her into a hug.

"invite spence to the next cookout, invite his mom and dad too"

"ill tell him to invite his mom and brother" miah nodded.

"what bout his dad?" zion asked curiously as he stood up from the bed.

"his dad left when he was little, just his mom and brother" miah said and grabbed her phone beginning to text him

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