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"fuck z why you always have to play with me" asia rolled her eyes after zion faked getting hurt as he tripped up the hotel stairs.

"sorry it's just too easy" zion laughed as asia continued to walk up the stairs without him.

"come on it was funny" zion caught up to asia.

"would of been funnier if you got hurt" asia scuffed and opened their room looking back at zion as she walked in. zion just smiled in response knowing that would get her even more mad but eventually she would let it go.

"i'm tired" asia plopped down on the bed and rubbed her pregnant belly. zion smiled at her and joined her on the bed cuddling into her. asia wrapped her arms around him not caring that she was annoyed with his five seconds earlier.

"i can't believe we are here again, i didn't think we'd ever come back" zion admitted looking out their windows into the jungles of bali.

"i know, this is kinda like our place because of it though" asia replied. she removed her glance from the windows to zion pouting her lips at how cute he was. zion pecked her lips and then pulled her closer for more. because of asias pregnant belly it was hard for zion to be on top so he rolled asia over so that she was straddling him while they made out.

"marry me" zion whispered into the kiss.

"i already am" asia laughed at him referring to the two proposals she received.

"no i mean like now" zion pulled away from the kiss fully "i want to get married tomorrow" zion couldn't wait any longer to call the breathtaking girl that was on top of him his wife.

"i'm sick of this fiancé shit, i want you to be my wife. i want to do it here"

"but i'm pregnant" asia looked at zion, a look that said she didn't want to be "fat" on her wedding day.

"there ain't nothing more beautiful then having my family with me on my wedding day. you are the most important person to me and the fact that our child would be with us, SHIT! that's all i want baby"

"fuck it let's have a wedding" asia looked at him sincerely.

"i love you" zion kissed asia one last time before she pulled away.

"hey" asias voice rang through the phone.

"hi, you ok?" mandy replied concerned.

"yeah everything's great. actually was calling to ask if your free this thursday" asia fiddled with her skirt fabric.

"i think so yeah why?" mandy asked.

"well zion and i decided we were going to get married, here" asia smiled so widely that mandy could hear it.

"holy shit! really!?" mandy yelled in excitement over the phone "i have to book our flights!" mandy began scrambling around.

"no! we are paying for everyone's flights" asia replied sternly.

"oh my god- at least tell me you have a registry for gifts" mandy replied.

"we talked and the only things we want are for the baby, so like clothes, a toy, whatever" asia shrugged.

"ok, i won't fight you two on this. do you have a dress yet?" mandy asked.

"i've got a friend, lucky was in the philippines when i called and they are flying in tonight. they are bringing ten dresses with them so hopefully i find the one" asia laughed.

"send me tons of pictures, actually fuck that face time me while you try them on" mandy insisted.

"of course"

"hey you find a venue?" asia asked over the phone to zion as henry one of her best friends and also fashion wiz helped her step into a dress.

"yeah i found the perfect one" zion replied "but finding a suit here is a bitch" zion groaned.

"well i would see how that might be difficult" asia rolled her eyes to henry who just laughed "because remember i said henry was going to be bringing you one?"

"ohhhh i briefly remember that" zion thought back to earlier that day.

"mhm" asia laughed to herself.

"ok i'm heading back now then" zion replied.

"NO!" henry yelled into the phone "we are in the middle of the fitting"

"sorry, i'll call you when we are done. in the meantime go to the bakery, i called them and they said they would do the cake, you just have to go down there and pick the style and flavor"

"you trust me with that?" zion replied shocked.

"i don't care what our cake looks like, i just care that you show up and don't get scared and take it back" asia admitted.

"you know that shit would never happen, you out of my league mamas only one who'd be leaving me at the alter is you" zion replied honestly.

"awe bubs" asia pouted our her bottom lip while henry zipped up the dress.

"gotta go getting in a car to go to the bakery, love you"

"i love you too" asia ended the call.

"shit this is the dress" asia looked over her body, it fit perfectly no alterations needed. it complimented her skin and her bump perfectly, ever so slightly shrinking her stomach which was exactly what she wanted.

"it's a one of a kind, it was meant to be" henry admired asia in the dress, wearing it exactly like it was made for.

"fuck, this just got so real" asia commented as henry placed a vail in her hair. a tear fell from her eye but she quickly wiped it away to hold the fake bouquet of flowers.

"asia perez kuwonu are you saying yes to the dress?" henry mimicked one of asia's favorite show, say yes to the dress.

"i'm saying yes" asia giggles wiping her last few stray tears away.

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