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it was only 12:40 when zion walked through the door late that night. it was an early night, especially for being at the studio but he had been having some rough nights. he looked stressed as he walked in. he placed his keys down on the key table and kicked his shoes off.

"hey" asia greeted him from the couch.

"hey" zion replied but his tone rubbed asia the wrong way.

"how was the studio?" asia asked him getting up from the couch and going near his side, but he struggled to answer.

"terrible, i don't know" he sighed.

"can i do anything?" asia offered.

"no" zion shook his head.

"want me to make you some food, i know you never eat when your there?"

"no it's good i got sum on the way back"

"ok" asia paused "so do you want me to leave you alone or do you want me to stay?"

"do whatever you want i don't know"

"can you not?" asia said offended.

"what?" zion looked at her confused.

"i see that your stressed and i'm just trying to help you and your getting mad at me. sorry that i can read your mind"

"you don't have to read my mind"

"well it kinda seems like you want me to because your not telling me anything"

"because it's work, no offense but you don't need to know everything"

"ok maybe i don't, but i feel like it's reasonable to expect your husband and the father of your child to tell you what has him out in the studio all night and coming home stressed"

"it's not that big of a deal"

"ok then next time you come home sulking and shit, stressed out of your brain don't ask shit of me"

"whatever" zion scuffed.

"you know you and your attitude can spend the night with each other on the couch" 

"my attitude? ha ok"

"don't push me further caleb i'm not playing this time" asia walked up the stairs angrily towards their room.

"bull shit" zion swung his fist through the air angilry. he walked over to the couch and grabbed the blanket and pillow and flopped onto it. asia entered her room too stressed to have a good night sleep which is what she desperately needed after not sleeping at all because of the baby.

"everything ok?" mandy knocked on the bathroom door. asia walked over to the door opening it mid washing her face.

"your sons being an asshole" asia rolled her eyes and continued to rub the cleanser into her skin.

"what happened?" mandy asked concerned noticing zion wasn't coming up for the night.

"you know he's been super stressed and coming home all pressed and tonight i just asked him what i could do and basically it just blew up" asia lowered herself to the sink and washed the cleanser off her face. she leaned up against the counter facing mandy.

"i know i've noticed he's been like that too, i don't know what's up. give him tonight, he'll open up he just needs time" mandy rubbed asias arm and pulled her into a quick hug "now rest up that baby needs some sleep" mandy walked back to her room. asia got into bed, already wearing her pajamas, and immediately closed her eyes trying to sleep.

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