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"hey" zion walked into the kitchen greeting asia who was making herself a sandwich for lunch.

"hey" asia replied giving zion a kiss.

"where's kylie at?" zion looked around.

"oh she's at cindys" asia rolled her eyes because of how rude cindy was to her.

"uhhh don't we not like cindy" zion thought to himself out loud.

"yes" asia nodded cutting her sand which.

"then why is kylie there?" zion looked at asia confused.

"because kylie and sophie love to play together, plus ansley is there with the girls, so im letting it slide" asia rolled her eyes bitting a cucumber.

"hit me" zion opened his mouth waiting for food. asia rolled her eyes and put a cucumber in his mouth "you want to make me one?" he asked cheekily.

"make your own, you a grown ass man" asia brought her own sandwich to the table and began to eat it scrolling through her phone. zion soon after sat at the table near her with a plate full of veggies instead of a sandwich.

"where are the rest of the kids" zion asked noticing it was a little more quiet than normal

"miles is at drums, jordan is at soccer, and miah and spence said they were gonna go shopping" asia listed off "do you ever pay attention?"

"psh yeah" zion replied.

"ok" asia replied laughing

"so basically what im hearing is that we got the house to ourselves" zion raised a brow.

"not for long , scarlett is coming over" asia stated and zion immediately huffed

"man can't even get no love anymore" zion threw his head back

"did you forget what happened this morning?" asia shook her head at him and stood up walking back to the kitchen

"that was so long ago tho" zion whined still sitting at the table

"still needy as ever" asia laughed ou loud "hey i got something to occupy yourself, jordan needs to get picked up" asia threw car keys over the counter towards zion which he caught

"wonderful" zion smiled sarcastically and walked out the door.


zion walked onto the field filled with little children or as he liked to put it "boogers". he twirled the key around his finger the the g wagon and peered over the red team to try and find jordan. he walked up to the sidelines with all the other parents as they watched their children finish up practice. a smile appeared on zions face watching little jordan run and try to kick the ball.

"hey zion" a familiar voice ran from zions side and his smile faded. he turned his head seeing karen, yes her name was actually karen, she stood next to him begging for his attention.

"hello" zion gave her a bland response

"hey ive been listening to your song comfortable on repeat, its my favorite off the album" she winked

"thank you I wrote it about my wife" he gave her a closed mouth smile, he had to face two whole seasons of this torture with karen.

"well she must be really lucky"

"mhm" zion replied thanking god that the coach blew the whistle for practice to end

"hey i was thinking maybe you and jordan could come over to play next weekend, im sure johnny would love that" karen said as zion began to walk onto the field away from her.

"im busy next weekend" zion said not looking back. he knelt down to the ground and picked up jordan who was running towards him. zion and him did their handshake and then there jordan on his back for a piggy back ride

"by jordan, by zion" karen waved aggressively

"dad she's a little weird" jordan whispered to zion

"tell me about it" zion agreed

HELP some please tell me how to end this book please and thank you

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