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"morning" zion rolled over cuddling asias back. she woke up half naked due to the fact that she got so unbelievably drunk last night from 6 glasses of wine and refused to get changed into pjs.

"shut up my head hurts" asia whined back and pushed her head further into her pillow. zion chuckled to himself and rolled over grabbing a bottle of pedilyte from the floor.

"drink" zion handed it to her.

"your my savior" asias eyes glow at the sight of the bottle. she flipped around growing slightly nauseous from the swift movement and placed a kiss on zions lips.

"better shower, can't let spence see you like this" zion joked and walked towards the shower.


"is there anything planned for today?" miah asked curiously as she ate her breakfast. she stood at the kitchen island drinking a smoothie with some scrambled eggs with since next to her eating the same.

"we are taking the little ones to this really cool beach which has a play ground in the water for them" brandon replied "you guys are welcome to join" he offered

"ill take that as a maybe" miah replied

"i figured" brandon laughed sipping his coffee

"hey do we have to go to the beach with you guys?" miah asked zion as he walked into the kitchen

"where is your shirt?" was the first thing zion said alluding to the fact that she was wearing a bikini with jean shorts.

"upstairs" she rolled her eyes "do we?" she asked again

"i dont know ask your mom" zion shrugged and took miahs plate of scrambled eggs for himself.

"hey-" miah threw her hands up wanted her untouched eggs back. the sound of a plate sliding over took miahs attention and she looked down to see a new plate of eggs

"here" spence said sweetly.

"split them" miah said moving half onto one side of the plate for spence and the other half for her. asia walked down shortly after with kylie in her arms.

"hey do we have to go with you guys to the beach?" miah asked upon seeing her mom.

"not if you dont want to, but we are all eating dinner together tonight and its fancy" asia replied grabbing the plate of eggs that was half eaten and taking them for herself and kylie.

"seriously" miah shook her head


"ok hear me out we go to the beach" gigi suggested and almost everyone groaned

"uhh no" vante replied

"if we wanted to go to the beach we would've gone with the parents" tory replied

"what about a different beach?" gigi stated like everyone else was dumb. tante was about to say something else but spence beat him to it.

"what about we go cliff jumping?" he suggested

"ooouuu i like that idea" miah agreed

"i like this guy" keenan nodded and dapped him up

"anyone opposed can go to the beach with the parents" vante said and looked around at everyone "solid" vante nodded once he saw everyone wanted to go.


"you regretting mom and dad letting you go with us?" miah asked her younger brother miles who was 13

"not at all" he looked down trembling with fear looking at how high the cliff was. people all around them were jumping and they had looked up how deep the water was so for the most part to was safe, but miles just had a thing about cliffs.

"jump with keenan" spence suggested as keenan stepped up to the edge

"lets do it little man" keenan smiled at miles and counted down from three. the two of them jumped and everyone cheered.


"your telling me that i just spent how much on sand toys?" zion looked at asia like he couldn't believe what he had just heard. asia laid back on her towel next to kylie watching her play cursory with the buckets and shovels zion just bought from a vendor.

"100 bucks is worth it, they are occupied" asia shield her eyes from the sun but didnt look at zion "plus its our money" asia sent him sass

"still means its mine" zion replied

"since when you get so stingey" asia looked at zion finally "you spent dumb money on the bathing suit"

"this" zion tugged at the suits fabric "necessary, i can't wear this" zion then picked up a plastic bucket "can't wear it"

"just shut up your daughter and nieces are having fun" asia turned around so that she was laying on her back.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2021 ⏰

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