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"ok it's baby time" doctor caplin came in excitedly with his scrubs on. zion stood by asias left side holding her hand as her current contraction passed.

"how we feeling?" he came up to asia.

"terrible" asia replied honestly.

"they never said it was easy did they" the doctor replied making asia chuckle. the doctor talked to the nurses for another minute and then it started.

"ok asia, we're going to start now" he announced making the fear that was once dormant in asia rose to the surface. zion held her hand a little tighter as he saw the fear wash over her.

"let just start with one push, inhale and as you exhale a ten second push, do you think you can do that for me?"

"you got it mamas" zion encouraged her. she looked at zion with fear in her eyes and nodded, she took a shaky breath in and pushed as she exhaled.

"ok good, now take a little rest and then we're going into to do two pushes" the doctor instructed.

"bubba i can't, i can't do this" asia panted as she sobbed "i can't-" asia panicked. the pain she was feeling from pushing out a whole ass human wasn't the only thing scaring her. her mother had warned her to not be like her, not have a baby young and that's exactly what zion and asia were. she was 23 him 24, she was scared.

"mamas, your the strongest i know. you got this, you can do this" zion looked at her fearful face, he couldn't imagine what it must feel like, but he did know his hand hurt like hell, but he knew better than to say anything about it "come on mamas" zion patted her forehead and cheeks dry.

"now i wish my wife was that supportive" the doctor joked. after a few more antagonizing minutes for asia she gave birth.

"dad would you like to come cut the cord?" the doctor asked. zion nodded with teary eyes and cut the cord to his newborn. after the nurses placed the baby on asias chest for a few minutes they cleaned the baby up and returned the baby to them wearing a cute onesie and hat.

"im so glad that is over" asia sighed as she rested her eyes cuddling her new born "but you were so worth it" asia was instantly in love as was zion.

"i love you mamas" zion kissed asias head as the two of them looked down at their new born baby girl. she laid there so peacefully, like there were no cares in the world.

"i love you too, i don't hate you anymore" asia replied looking up at zion.

"i'm glad" he replied. asia rested her head on his shoulder as they just admired their baby. she was not longer scared because even though they had only know their baby for an hour, their whole world revolve around her.

"hello...." nick trailed off as him and taylor entered the hospital room together which asia immediately was shocked by, but were soon followed by brandon austin and edwin who were all holding different types of gifts.

"hi" asia waved to them. zion picked up the baby's arm and waved to all of their friends. taylor immediately went by asias side and hugged her.

"how are you feeling?" taylor asked.

"sore" asia replied laughing "but good" she followed up.

"i bet" nick joked making everyone laugh.

"does she have a name yet?" edwin asked as he played with his finger.

"almost" zion looked at asia and the two smiled.

"we have one name, can't decide if we want it to be a first or last name" asia explained. soon mandy arrived and all of them took turns holding the baby and then after friends continued cycling in and out of the room.

"what about maya jade?" bobby proposed to asia.

"i like that" asia nodded "are you a maya jade?" asia looked down at her baby "i don't think it fits" asia admitted. they had been throwing around middle names for maya but couldn't decide.

"hey how about sterling, kinda like a new family name" kian suggested. asia thought about it, she was unsure of naming her daughter after herself.

"i really like that" zion agreed with kian "i mean considering you did birth her" zion said knowing what asia was thinking.

"i really like it too actually" asia admitted "but i want to spell it m-i-a-h, it's more unique"

"i like that" zion agreed "miah sterling perez kuwonu"

"gotta keep that drug lord legacy in there" asia joked and smiled softly referring the hyphenated last name making everyone laugh.

the kuwonusNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ