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"you like it there?" asia admired zions tired and swollen face as he laid in a hotel room bed.

"yeah, it's beautiful i wish you could've come out to one of these shows" zion replied referring to the south america leg of tour

"me too" asia stuck out her bottom lip.

"hey how was that shoot you had, for that bikini company?" zion asked twirling his dreads watching his fiancé play with the blanket she was laying on.

"good, we had like ten different looks to do it was exhausting, by the end i was starving"

"you eating good?" zion begin to play the protective fiancé roll. understandably when zion a was away from asia he always had to make sure she was taken care of but the fact that they were apart for this long made him stress even more.

"yeah, i had a burger after the shoot, i was really craving sonething salty- i mean i always get something like a burger after a shoot" asia tried to save herself from giving it away that she was pregnant.

"yeah i know always pizza or a burger" zion laughed at her "good, but when i get back we're doing burgers from that truck i love"

"sounds good to me" asia smiled.

two weeks later

asia sang her heart out driving over to the guys house. it was the first time in two months that asia was seeing them and ashe couldn't be more excited. asia already informed them that she would be there before so it wasn't much of a surprise but the surprise would be later. once asia pulled up to the house she saw an uber pulling out of the driveway. asia quickly shut her car off and then sprinted into the house. the boys stood there casually putting their things down when asia ran in.

"i missed you guys!" asia joined them all in a group hug and after a few moments pulled away to just hug zion.

"ahhh i missed you" zion hugged asia tightly as she wrapped her legs around him.

"i missed you too" asia kissed his neck and then his lips.

"must of been so boring without us" edwin said from behind him.

"ehh we managed" asia smiled and kissed zion once again.

after the show

"here's to the end of an amazing tour!" nick screamed and on queue they all popped bottles of champagne and sprayed them around the room soaking themselves. zion pulled asia into the center of the room, which was now drenched in champagne, held her by her waist and kissed her passionately. asias hands held zions cheek as they kissed, it was like a movie. asia began to smile into the kiss breaking the two of them apart.

"you taste like champagne" asia whisper laughed still with her eyes closer and her lips a centimeter away from zions.

"you taste perfect" zion whispered back making asia pull her head away and look at zion scrunching her face.

"you know it sounded cuter in my head" zion laughed shaking his head.

"i bet it did cause it deadass just sounded creepy" asia laughed at him. zion swiftly picked asia up and spun her around playfully.

"babe put me down!" asia laughed slapping zions arms.

"you partying with us tonight right?" zion raised a brow at asia as he placed her back down on the ground. asia internally cursed, of course she couldn't party she was pregnant, but zion still has yet to know that.

"of course" asia smiled pecking his lips "but before i've got a surprise at the house" asia twirled her fingers around his.

"ooouu a surprise!" zion squealed excitedly.

"yeah but it's not ready yet, you have to stay at the guys until i day so ok?"

"yeah ok"

surprise time

asia sent the text for zion to come home a few minutes ago. she stood excitedly in front of her mirror looking at her white flowy dress. ring the doorbell rung.

"you got this" asia hyped herself up in the mirror and rushed downstairs to get the door. asia slipped out closing the door quickly behind her to great zion. 

"woah" zion admired asias dress and her over all beauty "you.look.stunning" zion said in between each kiss he gave her.

"thank you" asia gave him another kiss and wrapped her arms around her neck "i want to say before you go inside, that i love you endlessly and i can't imagine living my life with anyone else. you are my family and i won't trade you for the world"

"i love you too"

"ok come on" asia took zions hand and began to push open the door. zions has dropped when he saw all the white flowers and candles set up in their living room and entry way. in the center of the candles, balloons, and flower petals sat a pregnancy test tied to a white balloon. zion squinted trying to see what was attached to the balloon.

"look closer" asia let go of zions hand letting him step closer to the ballon. zion picked up the test and looked at asia shocked.

"your pregnant!?" zion asked asia looking at the test and then her. asia nodded yes smiling widely. zion ran over and picked her up kissing her repeatedly.

"holy fuck i'm going to be a dad!" zion screamed with his whole chest "our baby is going to be the cutest mixed baby everrrrrr!"

"put me down so i can hug you" asia whined to zion who was still holding her in his arm.

"my bad" zion laughed and put asia down. asia immediately pulled zion into a kiss.

"i'm so excited mama" zion rested his forehead against asias and looked down at her stomach placing his hand on it.

"me too" asia put her hand on top of his.

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