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everything was moving too fast for asia. they were currently standing in their crowded house full of family and friends that they considered family celebrating miahs fifth birthday.

miah sat at the head of the table wearing a princess dress with her hair done up "like a princess would have", per her request. a wide smile overtook her face as she watched everyone she loved sing to her and her eyes sparkled at the cake that sat in front of her specifically designed for the princess fanatic herself.

"ok blow them out" zion smiled at miah and was ready to pull her back in case she got too close to the flame. asia recorded miah trying to blow out the last candle which kept on re lighting.

"stupid candle" miah grunted crossing her arms making everyone chuckle. zion smiled and picked up the candle taking it off the cake all together making miah smile again. zion picked up the cake and brought it into the kitchen where his mom was gonna cut it and plate it for everyone.

"i can't believe she's five" asia looked at zion nostalgically.

"it's crazy" zion replied rubbing asias back. to him it seemed like everything had happened yesterday, her first steps

ahhhh omg zion!" asia screamed from the living room with miah standing in front of her bouncing on her feet. zion came running in to see miah hanging onto asias fingers while standing up and dancing.

"no way" zion smiled crazily and pulled out his phone playing omw and started taking a video of her.

"i know i'm late but i'm on my wayyyyyyyyyy" asia sung to maih as she giggle and continued to do a squatting dancing.

"yooo the guys are gonna die for this i gotta post this on the band account" zion smiled down at the video and posted it to the band account. zion then ran over to miah and picked her up blowing raspberries on her stomach making her squeal.

"let's see if she'll do a few steps" asia suggested. zion sat down on the ground two feet from asia and stood miah up making her hold his hands for support. she wobbled a little at first but then she put on foot out.

"come on" asia smiled at miah making her smile as well. miah put her other foot out and zion let go. miah stood there for a second swaying slightly like a drunk person but then fell. they then tried again and she fell. and again and no success.

"today's just not the day then" asia kissed her cheeks and began making funny faces at her.

"fine by me" zion replied standing up not wanting to rush miah growing up anymore. miah pouted sitting on asias leg as she saw zion her up and pushed herself into a standing position using asias legs and chest.

"z" asia called out and he turned around to see miah taking wobbly steps over to him. zion pulled out his phone quickly to capture the moment and watched as miah took her first steps towards him.

her first word

"come on baby, dada" zion stretches out the word but miah just looked at him blankly.

"she ain't gonna say it if you sound stupid while doing it" asia laughed conning by his side and picking miah up from the bath with her froggy towel. asia wrapped her up tightly making her smile and took her to her room to pick out her pajamas.

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