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miah walked down the stairs of her house wearing her usual jeans and a sweatshirt but feeling a little more nervous than usual. asia was in the kitchen sipping on a smoothie trying to get an instagram post ready for her partnership with smart water. miah took a seat across from her mom and played with her phone anxiously.

"you going out?" asia asked curiously.

"yeah" miah replied and nodded her head making asia sense that something was off.

"ok spill" asia shut her phone off and gave her daughter her full attention.

"spence is picking me up" miah replied.

"ooouu spence" asia teased her "why you actin up i know him" asia raised her brows at maih.

"because dad doesn't" maih said in a duh tone. asia mouth formed an o shape, think back to when she met spence z was on a trip with the guys.

"do you think you can keep it quiet, just between us?" maih asked her mom aka her best friend.

"i ain't gon lie to him" asia laughed at miah who wore a face of defeat "but if he doesn't ask i ain't gon tell him" asia shrugged.

"thank you" maih sighed of relief "perfect timing because he is here" maih stood up from her chair and rushed towards the front door only for it to open before her. her heart dropped at the thought of it being her dad.

"hey mai" kian walked through the door "that your boyfriend?"

"almost" asia came around the corner answering for her. mai's cheeks flushed red and waved to them and closed the door behind her.

"let me guess z doesn't know about this?" kian inferred.

"nope" asia replied as she watched spence pull out of the driveway.

"classic" kian laughed.


"hey!" zion yelled announcing that he was back home.

"im coming down give me a sec!" asia yelled from upstairs. she shut her computer and made her way downstairs to see her babies.

"you guys have fun getting haircuts?" asia bent down to miles and ran her fingers through his curls.

"ehhh" miles replied rolling his eyes and walked off. asia just looked up at zion shocked but not surprised at his reaction, after all he was zion and asias kid.

"he wanted ice cream but i said no because i thought we would go together later" zion replied through his keys on the counter.

"yeah that sounds good, what time you thinking?" asia asked zion going back to her smoothie and opened her phone again.

"well nick wanted to take sage and keenan and austin wanted to take kori and jessica out too so i'll see what they wanna do" zion began to walk upstairs making asia become nervous that he would find out miah wasn't home.

"hey you think miah wants to come?" zion asked referring to ice cream later.

"most likely but she might already have plans" asia replied back.

"i'll ask her" zion ran upstairs before she could warn him that she wasn't home.

"ayo where is she!?" zion yelled down from upstairs.

"she's out with her friend!" asia replied hoping he wouldn't question further, but she knew zion.

"i know this friend?" zion came down the stairs squinting suspiciously.

"no, his names is spence" asia replied bracing herself.

"hIs!?" zions eyes almost bust out of his head.

"don't worry he is nice i met him before" asia tried to calm zion down.

"she mad funny if she thinks she can hide this from me" zion laughed amused "she too young to be hanging with guys!" zion paced "i'm a guy, i know how our sick minds work"

"z she is 16, she's in highschool" asia sided with her daughter "i had my first boyfriend when i was 14, and my first kiss when i was 13"

"NOW WE TALKING BOHT KISSING!?" zion yelled with wide eyes "oh hell naw my daughter ain't gon be kissing no mans until she married" zion reaches for his keys on the counter and began to walk towards the door.

"no, no, no!" asia yelled running after him thankfully standing in front of the door before he could leave.

"move aige i'm not playing" zion said staring deep into asias eyes. his eyes had all sorts of emotion in them, but the most prominent was the sadness of seeing his baby grow up.

"z no. i'm not letting you ruin an innocent date. let her have her fun, she's a good kid" asia defended miah, and she was right. exactly at this time miah and spence were in a bowling alley enjoying milkshakes while they bowled. nothing more or nothing less. in fact miah didn't tell her mom this but last time she hung out with spence he tried to kiss her but she rejected him because she didn't want to be used considering he was a year older. also something she didn't tell her parents.

"yea i know about her but i ain't know about him" zion tried for the door but asia stopped him once again.

"i'll tell her to bring him in when she gets home, but i'm not letting you ruin her afternoon" asia rose her voice at zion.

"ooouuuu" miles added from the living room.

"hes coming to ice cream, with everyone" zion compromised and walked back to the kitchen throwing his keys on the counter. asia followed him and went by his side offering a comforting hug.

"i know it's hard but it's life" asia kisses zions forehead.

"i swear to god baby if she has a boyfriend before i even meet the fool, ima beat someone's ass" zion said taking a harsh breath of air in and clenching his fists.

"i know" asia hugged him to calm him down.

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