Tell me.

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I knew something was wrong. It  wasn't hard to tell. Her smile stopped reflecting in her eyes about a week ago and each night she would have nightmares from which she would wake up hysterical and begging me to hold her but in the morning she would pretend it didn't even happen.

She cries alot more too, she thinks I don't know but I can see it whenever she comes home with her face caked in makeup to cover her puffy eyes.  Something was tearing her apart but she won't tell me what it is.

"How about we go out for dinner tonight?"

I suggested as she slipped out of her dance gear and got ready for a shower. Her mood seemed to be a lot better than other nights but even then, she wasn't half close to who she used to be.

"I'm not really in the mood."

She stated almost instantly, hardly taking my offer into consideration. She continued putting her hair up and getting ready for her shower, completely ignoring my looks of concern.

"What the hell is your problem?"

I asked exasperatedly as she stared at me through my reflection in the mirror.

"I'm fine."

She stated as her voice cracked under the weight of her guilt. I was getting frustrated with her.

"Don't stand there and give me that bullshit. Something's wrong. Why can't you just tell me what it is?"

I soon realized it was a bad move to raise my voice at her because she blew up almost twice as badly.

"And why can't you just mind your own fucking business? I said nothing's wrong now leave me the fuck alone."

She huffed and tried to make her way toward the bathroom but I wouldn't allow her. I knew our shouting match wasn't the proper way to handle the situation but at least I was getting some genuine emotion from her.

"What the fuck does that mean? You're my girlfriend. You are my goddamn business. What's so awful that you can't tell me?"

I yelled as I threw my hands in the air. I shouldn't be as angry as I was but she knew exactly how to rile me up and I fell for it every time.

"You really wanna know?"

She asked, still yelling at the top of her voice, tears threatening to fall any second now.


I stated a bit more calmly as she closed her eyes and ran her hands through her hair.

"I fucking cheated. You happy now?"

The weight of her words made me stagger a bit, each word feeling like bullet piercing my heart. There was no way she was being serious.

"You what?"

I needed to make sure I was hearing correctly. How could she?

"I'm sorry."

She whispered as she took a step towards me with hot tears streaming down her face. I could hardly recognize the person standing in front of me.

"Fuck you."

I muttered as I gathered my things and retreated her bedroom. Hearing her ragged sobs hurt more than her confession but I had to leave, I just couldn't stay there anymore.


'You're a dumbass.'

I read a text message coming in from Jasmine. It was wasn't even a full day since Jessica dropped the bomb on me and I already missed her. Nothing made sense. She seemed off, I just couldn't pinpoint where her inconsistency was.

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