In case 2

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I'm in and out of my head

Just hear me out before you run away

In case you don't find what you're looking for,

In case you're missing what you had before

I scribbled out my thoughts on paper as they came to my head. For seven months, all I could write were sappy love songs and I had no one to blame but her.

To say I missed her would be the understatement of the century but there was no way she would know that. All she needed to know or think was that I was happy with Wilmer. For weeks, I would call her day and night and she wouldn't pick up, Fuck her. I could do better than her anyway. At least, that's what I tell myself to keep from breaking down every ten minutes.

"Babe, why are up so late?"

Wilmer's voice boomed as he came to the middle of the staircase in his underwear.

"Just writing a bit."

I replied, giving him a small smile and he just nodded and returned our bedroom. It still felt kinda weird to see things as ours. If you had asked me seven months ago who I saw myself having a future with, her name would fly out almost instantly. Funny how quickly things change. Still, I was kinda happy I always kept Wilmer around. All thanks to that voice in the back of my head that kept telling me she would break my heart eventually.

I moved towards the kitchen to pour myself a cup of grape juice when I heard my phone ringing.


Marissa sounded worried and instinctively, I began to worry as well.

"Yes Mar. What is it?"

"You need to speak to Jessica. She needs you."

I let out an annoyed sigh. I should've known it would come down to this. Ever since Marissa found out about our fight seven months ago, she kept playing marriage counselor, trying to get us back together.

"Mar, we've been through this, she doesn't wa-"

Suspecting what I was about to say, she cut me off mid sentence.

"Demi, her parents got murdered."


If you asked me how long it took for me to grab my keys and speed over here, I couldn't tell you. All I know is, I'm standing in front of this big mahogany door I haven't touched in seven months, in my pyjamas. I knocked nervously and within two seconds Marissa answered the door.

"Where is she?"

That was all I could get out as she let me though the door. I was greeted with shattered glass everywhere. There was also a good amount of blood pooled in one corner of the carpet indicating she probably hurt herself during her tantrum.

"She's upstairs, she won't talk to me so I'm just trying to clean up all this mess."

I nodded and made my way up the stairs towards her bedroom. Things weren't so peachy the last time I was here but I had no time to dwell on that now. Her bedroom door was closed but not locked so I turned the knob to find an empty room. I walked towards the bathroom.

"Here, let me help you."

I said when I saw her trying to treat a pretty bad wound she had on her right hand. She was trying to use her left hand to clean it but she was obviously having problems with that. I felt an overwhelming sense of guilt when I saw her flinch as I gently took her hand in mine, treating it.

As soon as I finished wrapping the bandage on her hand, she mumbled a 'thanks' and made her way to the bedroom. I followed her to see her attempting to pack a suitcase. By attempting, I mean she had it wide open and was staring into space. I wasn't really sure of what to do so I just went and sat at the edge of the bed. After a few minutes of silence she spoke. Her voice weak from all the screaming I knew she did earlier.

"It's crazy how everyone I love end up leaving me for some reason or the other."

I looked over at her and she was staring right back at me and I replied.

"Not me though."

"Especially you."

Feeling the treat of tears, I immediately broke eye contact and began fiddling with my fingers.

"Uh, what happened? With your mom and dad I mean"

I asked cautiously, not sure if I would even get a response. She just shrugged her shoulders and replied.

"Deal gone bad, I guess. They were both shot in the head."

She seemed so stoic about everything but I knew she was probably one inch away from a breakdown.

"And Jasmine?"

She finally moved to start packing clothes into her suitcase.

"Police says she's missing but I know where she is. I'm going home to get her."

I nodded my head. If Jessica said she knew where she was, I believed her. Still, I was concerned about Jessica and how she was bottling everything up.

"Are you fine?"

Dumb question. She nodded her head as she threw a few shirts into the suitcase followed by a few pairs of pants.

"Jess, look at me."

She didn't. She just kept on throwing random things into her suitcase. Why did she need a hair straightener anyway? I grabbed her good wrist and spun her around to face me and just held her close to me. At first she was tense and unwilling to reciprocate but after maybe a minute, she started to loosen up and buried her head in the crook of my neck.

"I'm scared."

She whispered as I played with her soft, curly hair to calm her down.

"I'm here now. Shhh, I'm sorry I ever left but I didn't mean any of it. I love you so so much and I'll protect you even if it means putting my own life in danger."

I whispered through tears and she nodded against my neck. I could finally admit to myself that I missed her. Being with her now only made me more aware of the emptiness I felt in the last few months.

"I'm coming with you."

She immediately pulled back and scanned my face and shaking her head almost hysterically.

"No, you're not. You have things to do."

"Yes, I do. Lots of shit for that matter but none more important than you."

I kissed her forehead as she sat on the edge of the bed, resting her head on my chest and holding on to me for dear life. Had the situation been different, I would've probably felt uncomfortable but in this light, it was almost comforting. Odd but accurate.

"Stay with me please."

She barely whispered. I hardly even heard it myself.

"Where would I go? My home is right here."

I really have nothing to say. Today was my day off so here's an update til next never. Xoxo JessWess

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