Warning part 2

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I rushed out of the room and went outside as quickly as I could manage. I needed to clear my mind. There was no way a girl like Demi could like me and even if she did, I couldn't be with her. My parents would kill me and dump my body in the ocean. Maybe it was all that stuff we were drinking? Maybe it's just her saying anything to get me away from Kyle?

I went outside and started walking in no particular direction but after a few minutes I came upon a playground and I made a beeline for the swings. The eerie silence was all I needed to get my thoughts straight. Her words kept echoing in my thoughts.




She was in love with me? How? There wasn't anything special about me. I was so stupid to run away like that. If it was one thing my parents taught me was to never run. But they also taught me these types of relationships were wrong. I must admit I do have feelings for Demi, feelings I always thought were as a result of her taking care of me for these past nine months. I pulled out my phone and texted Demi but even after twenty minutes she still didn't reply. I sighed deeply and dialled her number four times but it rang without answer all four times. I hopped off the swings and made my way back to the party. When I arrived at the house, the party seemed to have gotten rowdier and I took that as my cue to get our asses home. Stuff like this wasn't good for our rep... especially Demi's. I went inside to find girls topless screaming obscenities and guys doing drunken cannonballs into the pool. No doubt the police would soon be called in so I began to scan the crowd for Demetria. I zigzagged through the intoxicated crowd but still no trace of her when suddenly I heard some extra commotion from an adjoining room so I speed walked there bumping into so many persons my shoulders began to hurt. When I got there I saw some of the other dancers I wasn't too familiar with doing lines and cheering each other on but still no trace of Demi so I began scanning the rooms upstairs.


I asked desperately as I opened and closed various bedrooms and bathrooms. I suddenly heard a loud thump coming from the last room left for me to search. I quickly opened it and to my horror I found Demi lying seemingly unconscious on the floor.

"Demi! Demi wake up! Please baby get up!"

I screeched desperately trying to get some form of response from her but to no avail.

"Somebody call 911! Please! I need an ambulance!"

I screamed atop of my voice through tears I didn't even notice were being shed.

"Please somebody help me!"

    xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx

"It seems she has suffered from a drug overdose."

The doctor informed me as I clutched to Demi's hand for dear life as she was still unconscious.

"Bu-u-t she doesn't do drugs."

At least not that I know of.

"Well I'm not too sure about that, seems she has been experimenting around for a while."

What? How did I not know that? How hadn't I noticed?

"Is she going to be OK?"

"She should be awake by morning and with proper treatment and therapy she should be back to normal in no time."

The doctor reassured with a small smile.

"Thank you Dr. Saunders. For everything."

"It was my pleasure. If you need any help or see something you think is out of the ordinary just push that button right there and someone will be with you right away."

I nodded my head to indicate I understood what he said but most of my focus was still on Demi. She looked so beautiful and peaceful as she rested. Had I caused her to overdose? Was it because of me? Why hadn't I noticed she was using sooner? This is all my fault. I doubt she'll want anything to do with me when she woke up. Afterall, I did shut her down after she made her feelings known. Fuck. I'm so stupid. I'm so sorry Demi.

"My poor baby!"

I was interrupted by a woman with about three other persons with her. I immediately realized it was her family from all the pictures she showed me of them on her phone.

"Umm the doctor said she wont be up for a while."

"And who are you?"

She scornfully asked, slightly making a disgusted face when she saw our entwined fingers.

"I'm Jessica. Jessica Wessley. I'm Demi's umm friend."

At least until she wakes up.


That was her simple reply before she disappeared to find the doctor. After a few minutes she returned.

"Umm Jennifer darling.... Could I have a word outside please?"

At first I didn't respond but I noticed everyone staring at me expectantly.

"Oh me? It's Jessica."


"Listen to me la-"

I bit back the words I wanted to badly to tell her only because she was Demi's mother and I couldn't afford to piss her off at this point.

"So...  How do you know my daughter?"

She asked as she took a sip of coffee.

"We worked on camp rock together. I'm a dancer."

"That's nice."

She said without enthusiasm.

"The doctor said it was a drug overdose."

"That's what he told me as well."

I cautiously answered. Where was she heading with this?

"Why'd give my daughter drugs?"

Whoop there it is.

"Listen Mrs. D-"

"No you listen to me and listen to me good."

She whispered in my ear. The nasty tone in her southern accent making me shiver.

"I know girls like you who pretend to be friends with these celebrities just to catch them slipping up so you can sell a story for a quick buck but I won't allow it."

"It's nothing like that, I promise. Demetria means a lot to me."

It was actually therapeutic to day it out loud.

"What is it then? You love her? No wait... She told you she loved you?"

She must've noticed that my body stiffened because she scornfully laughed and continued.

"Don't you think I noticed the way you stared at her all googly eyed? The way you held her hand as if your life depended on it? Well newsflash honey. My daughter is not some little lesbian and even if she was, do you think she'd honestly go for someone like you? Don't be silly. She's way out of your league. You hardly even count  as attractive. You wouldn't be anymore than, What does she call it again? Aah, a hump and dump"

"You don't know what you're talking about."

I retorted, even though each word stung and my eyes started to well up.

"Honey, believe whatever you want but all I'm saying is stay away from my daughter or I'll personally see to it that you never dance another day in your life again. Understood?"

This can be described as Mondayish right? Anyway, here is chapter __ (lost trackUntil next time Xoxo JessWess.

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