Dinner Date

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"Baby, I miss you so much already."

I pouted as soon as Marissa answered her phone.

"Tell me more."

She ordered cockily as I smiled and layed in bed.

"I miss your lips how soft they are and how they feel against mine. I miss how they trail down my skin, leaving goosebumps in their trail and how it gets me wet whenever you-"

"Alright babe, thats enough. You're way too far away to be talking to me like that..."

I laughed at her as she cleared her throat to get some of the huskiness brought on by my teasing.

"...anyway, what are you gonna do tonight?"

Her question suddenly made me nervous. I don't have the slightest idea why though, it wasn't like I was doing anything wrong.

"Uh, yeah. Ihavedinnerwithdemi."

I rambled out quickly.

"How did you not bite your tongue? I didn't hear any of that."

She chuckled and I was forced to repeat.

"I said I have dinner with Demi tonight."

I stated a bit more slowly but I was just as nervous.

"Oh, OK."

I knew that response all too well. I held my head down as I attempted to reassure her.

"Sweetheart, I-"

"Look, Jess, I gotta go. Bye."

Before I had the chance to process what she had said she had hung up the phone and dead air became my only companion.


"And you expect me to believe that you don't have the hots for this girl anymore?"

My aunt mocked as she peeked in while I was trying to tame my hair.

"I don't."

I reinforced weakly and my aunt simply responded with a eye roll as she moved away from the doorframe.

"Well, I'm downstairs if you need me."


I murmured and my phone started to ring. The ringtone made me proactivly aware who was on the other line.

"Remember I'm picking you up at eight."

"I thought I was driving myself..."

I trailed off as I glanced at the time.

"...and it's like ten minutes to eight."

"And I'm already downstairs."

She punctuated her statement by honking her car horn.

"Then come inside."

"Is your aunt there?"

She asked nervously. I finished with my hair and put the phone on speaker as I disrobed and got into my clothes.

"Don't tell me you're scared. Stop being a pussy."

I laughed at her and I could hear her shuffling as I pulled the crop top over my head.

"I'm no pussy."

I heard footsteps before my doorbell went off and the call disconnected.

I continued to dress myself by putting on my high waisted leather pants and cheetah print heels. I quickly checked my makeup and grabbed my cellphone and purse before making my way downstairs.

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