Karaoke Konfessions

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"Come on Dems, it'll be fun."

Natalie urged me over the phone. Ever since the last time I've seen Jessica, I've been in such a funk it was unbelievable. I know we said we could remain friends but there were too many feelings involved. That plan never proved practical.

"I don't know Nat. I start touring soon and I really don't feel like going out."

I didn't feel like doing anythingreally. Jess, on the other hand, was doing a lot. I was even a bit concerned about how much she was working. She always assured me though, during one of our strained conversations, that she was doing fine and didn't feel pressured but that never quelled my concerns.

"Why do I get the feeling you think I'm asking you? Let me rephrase, we're going out tonight at nine."

I knew that was how the conversation would end up. I had no choice but to give in.

"Okay. I'll be there at nine."

I could almost feel her musing through the phone at her victory.

"That's much better. See you later."


I answered half heartedly as we hung up.  Glancing over at the clock, I realized that I had nearly four hours to kill. I thought about inviting Jessica out with me and even went as far as typing out the text but thought better of it just as I was about to send it off.

That would've been waytoo awkward. What would I do? Text her after almost three weeks of no communication and be like 'Hey, It's been a while and even though we always end up in bed together, you wanna chill?' She would tear my head off for sure.


Turns out, I didn't have to invite her because as soon as I stepped through the doors of the karaoke bar, I saw her chatting away with Nat, Holly and Mar listening keenly to whatever she had to say. She always was an amazing storyteller.

"Hey guys!"

I smiled brightly as I sat at the only vacant spot which happened to be just in front of Jess. Everyone reciprocated greetings but Jessica's stood out the most.

"Hey babe."

She quickly caught up on herself and glanced around to check if anyone heard her little slip up. She breathed a sigh of relief just before her eyes caught mine and she looked away nervously.

"OK, so who's going first?"

Holly questioned as a young Asian couple completely massacred Celine Dione's 'My heart will go on.'

"Don't be rude Holly, we haven't even introduced Demi to our guest yet."

Natalie piped up and shot daggers at Holly with her eyes and Holly quickly caught up on her mistake but justified it.

"I thought they had met before. She isMar'sgirlfriend after all."

She looked over at me for back up.

"Actually, yeah, we've met before. In fact, Iwas the one to introduce them."

Call me petty but I wanted to make them as uncomfortable as possible. It seemed to move Jessica a bit but Marissa, apart from rolling her eyes remained unfazed.

"Really? Then how come you didn't introduce her to the rest of us?"

OK, maybe I didn't expect them to ask that question. I glanced up to see Jessica holding her head down while everyone else was staring at me expectantly.

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