Aftermath 2

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"Well sis, you really fucked this up big time."

Dallas commented as she closed the door of the hotel room. In response, I just sat there opening and closing the small velvet box in my hand. I assumed she took my silence as an invitation to continue as she did just that.

"I don't know what's going on in your head but I do know you love that girl so why?"

"You wouldn't understand."

I croaked out. The tears I have yet to stop shedding, obviously taking it's toll.

"So make me understand."

She said as she carefully rested her hand on my shoulder. The gentleness of her touch only causing me to break down. She scooped me up and allowed me to sob on her chest. Her scent doing nothing to comfort me as it wasn't the one I yearned for. It wasn't Jessica. I sobered up just as quickly as I broke down. I aggressively wiggled my way out of Dallas's grip to be met with a look of confusion on her face.

"I would like for you to leave."

I walked over to the mirror and started fixing my makeup as she stuttered stupidly.

"Wh-what? Demi talk to me."

I whipped my head to glare directly at her.

"Jesus fucking Christ Dallas, How much dumber can you get? Get the fuck out."

She let out a humourless chuckle before she got up to leave the room. Just before she closed the door after her, she made sure to say something she knew would hurt.

"You know, I spoke to Jessica tonight and she was the sweetest, most beautiful person. You don't deserve her. You never deserved her."

"Fuck off."

That was the only thing I could get out of my mouth just before she slammed the door and I toppled over. I gripped my chest for dear life, desperately trying to ease the ache I was feeling in my heart. The silence in the room only acting as a facilitator for the echoes of my sobs.

Not too soon after, my sobs died down as I rocked myself back and forth. The music wafting from the ballroom showed no signs of dying down anytime soon. Funny how what was supposed to be a 'happy birthday' turned out to be the worst fucking day of my life.

I picked up my phone and as soon as I unlocked the screen, I was greeted with a picture of us. My heart did something in between skipping a beat and aching. I was so engrossed in admiring Jessica's smile, I didn't notice Wilmer had come in.


He asked cautiously when he didn't see me as soon as he walked in. I tried to suppress my sniffles but much to my dismay, he heard me.

"Demi, What's wrong?"

He asked with his tone full of worry as he kneeled beside me.


I managed to struggle out through my hiccups. He awkwardly stroked my hair in an attempt to, what I would assume, comfort me. To say his presence made my stomach churn would be the understatement of the century. His cologne reminded me of a retirement home. An odd comparison but still, it did.

"I want to be alone."

I growled through clenched jaws, hoping he would just adhere to my request but  as my luck would have it, he didn't budge.

"Seriously, Go."

Instead, he just attempted to get me sitting upright, to which I retaliated by violently wiggling out of his grip. He stumbled back, obviously caught off guard by my actions.

"What was that for?"

He shrieked out in pain as his elbow came in contact with  the wall just behind where we were. God, he's such a pussy.

"I asked you to leave."

I spat, my words laden with venom, as I made my way to the bathroom and slammed the door.

"Princessa, open the door."

To my annoyance, he pounded on the bathroom door, muttering sweet nothings til he eventually grew tired and left. I caught glimpse of my face in the bathroom mirror. The outline of her hand started to fade but I could still easily identify it. The sting I felt as I touched the

bruise was nothing compared to pain in my chest after seeing the look on her face or her nerve rattling sobs when I said those wretched words. Her safety was worth it though. She was worth it.

I feel like I'm boring you guys :/ Xoxo JessWess

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