Meet the Parents

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"Jess, you look great, we're gonna be late."

I said, whining like a little kid from the door post of our hotel bedroom.

"No, baby, Do my eyebrows look weird?"

She turned to me and asked nervously.

"You look perfect. Now let's go or I swear to God I'm leaving you."

I threatened as I pretended to make my way out the door and she shout after me.

"No DeeDee, wait, I'm ready."

I smiled, knowing my plan had worked and within a few seconds, we were making our way to my parents' house. As we turned unto the highway, I looked over on Jess and she was fiddling with her fingers and staring through the window. A tell all sign that she was nervous as hell. For the past two weeks we were on cloud nine. No arguments, just us and our love. She had also been nominated for dancer of the year by the Move your body Foundation which she was really excited about. Wilmer had been away shooting scenes for his new TV show which gave us all the freedom we needed. And boy did we need it.



"What happens if your family doesn't like me?"

I kept my eyes on the road. I have never really dwelled on the idea that my family wouldn't accept my sexual orientation nor Jess. I mean, they were the most accepting people I know. I just couldn't understand why she was so convinced that they wouldn't.

"Nothing. And you know why?"

I looked over at her and she was staring right back at me, no intentions to answer. Rhetorical question it is then.

"Because they'll love you and most importantly I love you. Now enjoy what Texas has to offer. It'll only be your first time once."

She just bit her lip and gave a small nod, redirecting her attention to her window. A few minutes later, a notification came in on her phone and I realized she let out a small smile as she eagerly typed a reply. A few seconds later she got a response which made her burst out in fits of laughter.

"Isn't Jasmine in school right now?"

She glanced up at me and went right back to her typing, still smiling.

"Yeah... Oh no. This isn't Jazz."

"Who is it then?"

I asked, keeping my eye on the road as I increased my grip on the steering wheel.

"Huh? Oh, it's just Mar. She was reminding me of the time we went on that rope swing into the river but she fell off half way through."

She said, still giggling. I responded cooly.

"So how come I wasn't invited?"

"I did invite you. In fact, it was supposed to be just the two of us but I guess you had more important stuff to do as usual. So Mar came instead."

"That was awfully nice of her. You guys have gotten so close over these last few months."

I shifted in my seat, feeling the glare from her eyes burning through the side of my face.

"You know Demi, green is a very ugly colour on you."

"I'm just stating my observation."

"Well it sounds stupid."

She stated bluntly as she continued texting. I didn't want to upset her before we got to my parents' house though so I let out a loud sigh.

"I'm sorry."

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