What Friends Are For

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"What's up with you?"

Wilmer queried as I slammed the door and stomped up the stairs. What was he doing here anyway? Ignoring him, I just marched my way to the bedroom and flung myself unto the bed.

Tears fell from my eyes as I recalled what happened just a few minutes ago. She kissed me. My heart skipped a beat just at the thought. Of course I had to ruin the moment with my big mouth. It's not like I could help it, I do love her and I have the urge to tell her that every time I saw her. Old habits die hard I guess.

Pretty soon, I heard the front door slam followed closely by the revving of an engine signalling Wilmer's departure. Finally. I must admit though, I felt a bit lonely. I took my phone out and texted a number I knew all too well but refused to touch in weeks.

'Remember someone named Demi?'

A few minutes passed before the person responded.

'The name sounds familiar. Is she by any chance this short bitch who hasn't spoken to her best friend in weeks?"

I smiled despite the wave of guilt that washed over me and responded.

'Are you in L.A? Come over to mine and see if she looks familiar.'

It took her nearly twenty minutes to reply and I got so anxious, I actually thought she wouldn't.

'I'm not that far away so just give me about two hours.'


"Is, by any chance, your name Demi?"

Marissa smirked, keeping in line with our charade from earlier as I opened the door.

"Hey sweetie."

I cooed as I moved in to hug her. The thing I loved the most about Mar was that we could go years without speaking but once we made up, we could continue wherever we left off without any awkwardness.

"What have you been up to?"

She queried as we sat with our feet in the pool.

"I've been better. I keep thinking about Jessica you know."

I heard her let out a humorless chuckle which caused me to give her a confused look and question her.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"You weren't thinking of her when you ignored her at your party and got engaged to Wilmer did you?"

Now I remember why we haven't spoken for so long. She was always so defensive as of late, Especially when it came to Jessica.

"I've told you a million times before, You never appreciated her when you had her and now that you've lost her you're crying."

Her voice was void of any emotion that I had expected her to have reserved for me. It's like she didn't care and I couldn't fathom why.

"I really missed her today though so I went to see her today, you know, for her birthday..."

"I know, I helped her uh, celebrate last night."

Marissa chimed in, cutting me off. I guess that's why she's in L.A then. I nodded and continued.

"... I got her a little cute puppy that she always wanted and I asked her for a hug and she said yes and then I don't know, she kissed me."

Marissa whipped her head around to stare at me. Actually, more like glare at me. Honestly, if looks could kill.

"Is that so?"

She asked condescendingly, in fact she sounded just like Jessica. I just nodded my head in confirmation and Marissa continued.

"You know she has a girlfriend right?"

She asked smugly. It was almost as if she was rubbing it in my face.

"Yeah. Have you met her?"

Marissa's face went pale as she seemed to struggle to find the right words.

"Uh, something like that. She's working really hard to get Jessica to trust her after you fucked her over but she's not giving up."

I nodded as a few tears escaped my eyes. Every time I was reminded of how Jessica was hurting, my heart broke a little more. At least, what's left of it.

"It's not like I- my mom she caused it. She said if I didn't break up with Jessica and married Wilmer, she would hurt her and I couldn't put her in danger. If anything happened to her, I wouldn't be able to live with myself."

Some part of me regretted allowing the words to ever have left my mouth because Marissa got so angry at me.

"So stop putting her in danger. Don't go anywhere near her. If you love her so much, let her be happy with someone else."

And that's when it hit me, that's when I put two and two together. That's when I understood why she was so defensive and protective. She was Jessica's new girlfriend.

"How long?"

I questioned dejectedly, I wasn't sure if I should feel betrayed or just straight up angry.

"How long what?"

I knew deep down Marissa knew what I was referring to but she still chose to play dumb.

"How long have you known you were in love with her?"

I questioned with my voice cracking. I should have known they would have gotten together as soon as I was out of the picture. I just don't know why it took me so long to figure it out, It was so fucking obvious. Marissa, on the other hand, just got up and started gathering her things.

"I think I should leave now."

She said as she stuffed her phone into her bag and marched towards the gate which led to the front. That was all the confirmation I needed.

Crappy chapter don't shoot me. I swear it was longer when I was writing it. Xoxo JessWess.

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