Two steps back

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"Demi, what the hell is going on here?"

A loud voice immediately pulled me from my slumber. The Latin accent immediately made me aware of who it was. Shit.

I felt Demi bolt out of the bed from beside me, pulling a robe over her naked body before cautiously approaching him.


"Don't fucking babe me Demi, who the fuck is that and why were you two naked in our bed?"

I sat up in the bed to watch the altercation go down. Sure, I always planned on what to say if this ever happened but right now, being here, seeing how angry he was, I was scared as fuck.

"Baby, listen to me. I-"

"Listen to what Demi?"

He raged as he threw a bottle against the wall causing Demi and I to flinch. She obviously went in panic mode.

"I don't know who she is..."

Excuse me?

"... I went out last night and I drank a little and she came onto me. Next thing I knew, you're here screaming on top of your lungs..."

Oh my God.

She didn't even look over at me for one second. She just slowly approached Wilmer and continued.

"... Babe, she's just a whore I met at a club. I love you OK?"

Did she forget I was standing right there? I didn't even remember ever putting my clothes on or even gathering my stuff. All I know is that now I'm sitting here in my car, driving home. How could she do that? After all she said last night? All we did? I should've just followed my mind and every other sign in the universe that said going to see her was a stupid idea. But just like my mom always said, 'Who cant hear shall feel'.

I pulled into my driveway, giving thanks that I wouldn't have to explain to anyone why I wasn't home last night as my aunt and Jazz were back in New York to finalize their move and Mar was back in Texas for school.

"I thought I told you to stay away from my daughter."

For fucks sake, can't I catch a fucking break? I guess under normal circumstances I would be wondering how the hell this bitch bypassed my security and got in but quite frankly, I didn't even care. I just let out a humourless chuckle as I took off my cardigan.

"Oh, you don't ever have to worry about me seeing your daughter again."

"Oh, I'm here to make sure of that."

She stood up grinning, as she brought a gun to my head. Did this bitch really forget my parents were drug dealers? Between that and my now ice cold heart, I had no room left for fear.

"Guns don't scare me Diana."

She just let out an evil laugh as she put the gun against my temple.

"Silly girl, I've tried scaring you, now I just gotta get rid of you completely."

A loud explosion woke me out of my sleep. Cold sweat covering my body as my heart pounded uncontrollably, my breathing erratic. I looked over at Demi who was snoring away lightly, obviously unfazed by anything. I couldn't help but smile softly as I took in how adorable she looked beside me.

Wait... Beside me? Oh shit.

I slowly lifted the covers to look underneath them even though I was fully aware of what I would see. Or wouldn't see in this case.

Somewhere We Went WrongOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora