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"Happy birthday baby."

I woke up to Marissa leaving small kisses on my lips which caused me to smile.

"I would think that was yesterday the way we were going at it last night."

I chuckled as Mar blushed and put her head in the crook of my neck. We pulled the sheets tighter in attempt to shield our naked bodies from the air conditioning that was, for some reason, on full blast. The warmth from her body as we cuddled together caused me to slightly drift back to sleep.

"Jess, Mar, Aunty Susan sa- Ew."

Jasmine face contorted in disgust as she noticed Mar and I were sporting nothing beyond the sheets. Marissa fumbled to cover whatever body part she had exposed. I, on the other hand, didn't budge.

"What was that?"

I urged Jazz to finish delivering the message.

"I was saying that Aunty Susan says breakfast is ready. Can y'all nasties put some clothes on?"

She said throwing me a T-shirt that was lying on the floor.

"That's why you should learn to knock. We'll be down soon."

Jasmine gave me a middle finger before turning to leave. I groaned out loud as Mar started laughing uncontrollably beside me.

"I really cant with you two."

I chuckled to myself realizing how great it felt to have my whole family in one place especially with Aunt Susan showing no intentions to rush back to New York. Still, I had this empty feeling and I knew exactly what or who I needed to fill it. After a few months one would think the heartache would subside but it didn't. I just learnt how to live with it.

"Look at these two animals."

Aunt Susan commented as we descended the stairs for breakfast. She dished two plates of waffles and omelettes for us as we sat around the kitchen island.

"Good morning Miss Wessley. This looks really good."

Mar answered politely as she sat next to me and poured some juice, earning a swat on the arm from my aunt.

"Lord have mercy child, how many times I have to tell you it's 'Aunt Susan' for you."

She scolded as she too sat down for breakfast beside Jazz and continued.

"I would think you would lose all shyness by now the way you two were blowing the roof off last night."

I spat my juice out as Marissa just hung her head, blushing. I was used to my aunt's crudeness by now and pretty soon Marissa would grow accustomed to it.

After having breakfast, I decided to go out for a quick jog and I made my way upstairs to change.

"It's like you get hotter and more beautiful everyday."

Marissa mused after she let out a wolf whistle whilst I changed onto my running gear.

"Stop trying to get into my pants."

I playfully scolded as she proceeded to trail kisses down my spine. She just giggled and mumbled against my back, her hot breath leaving goosebumps to take over my body. After a few minutes of her going at it and me almost giving in, I mustered enough energy to pull away.

"I'll be back soon. Just give me half an hour, OK babe?"

She groaned and pouted her lips like a stubborn kid and I kissed her sweetly before I made my way out the door.

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