Nothing was the same.

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My palms got sweatier with each passing second on the clock. I glanced back on my phone screen to see how much time had passed since I last checked. 3:46 am. The last time I checked was 3:44 am. Time sure flies when you're having fun.

In time though, there was inevitable toying with the lock which indicated Wilmer had arrived. I decided to have a seat on the couch to ease some of the unbearable tension I felt inside the room but quickly decided against it and opted to stand instead. I soon came to the conclusion that neither stance would make the task any easier.

"Honey, what's up?"

Wilmer asked tentatively as he closed the front door.

"We need to talk."

I stated, doing nothing to ease the stifling tension that was presided over the room.

"About what? Are you pregnant?"

"What? Oh God, no."

I answered almost instantly. Why would he think I was pregnant? He just cautiously inched closer towards me, now examining every minor detail.

"Then what is it?"

"I dont-we cant get married."

I struggled out, with my eyes glued to my shoes.

"I don't understand. Why would you say something like that?..."

Wilmer wondered out loud as he paced back and forth with his hand on his head.

"...Is it because we don't spend enough time together cause I could take some time off work and-"

"No, Wilmer it's not that."

I shook my head and he walked over to where I was standing.

"Then what is it?"

There it was, the golden question. Now for the answer which I knew would do nothing more than add to the deadly tension in the room.

"I don't love you."

I finally diverted my gaze from the floor to stare at him. Neither of us saying anything for a few minutes.

The silence was only broken by Wilmer attempting to stifle a laugh which he eventually gave up on doing because he was now laughing heartily. A few tears escaping his eyes in the process.

"What's so funny?"

I asked defensively, not finding the humor in anything I just said. A few minutes passed of Wilmer still laughing hysterically which only infuriated me more.

"The fact that you think you could waste three fucking years of my life, have me plan this big ass wedding and then tell me we can't get married because 'you don't love me' is fucking hilarious."

"But I wont stay in a relationship with someone I don't see myself having a future with-"

He didn't give me a chance to finish my sentence because he cut me off.

"And you see yourself having a future with that dyke?..."

That definitely took me by surprise. As I stood there opening and closing my mouth like a fish out of water, he let out a bitter chuckle and continued.

"... Yes Demi, I know about you and your little girlfriend. Jessica is it?"

None of this made any sense. How the hell did he know about Jess and I? How long?

"Since before we met, your mom asked me to straighten you out a bit. I honestly thought I did until you screamed her name that one time while you were coming."

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