Do not Disturb.

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I woke up to the feeling of butterfly kisses being left all over my face which caused me to smile.

"Good morning beautiful."

Demi greeted in her sultry morning voice when she realized I had woken up.

"Mmm... Morning."

I mumbled out, leaning in for a kiss.

"How'd you sleep?"

She asked holding me tighter and planting kisses on my face and descending to my neck.

"Better than when we're not together."

She mumbled something incoherent and started sucking on my neck.

"Demi, stop! You're making me horny."

I whined out and she chuckled.

"You're saying that like it's a bad thing."

I flipped us over so I was on top straddling her and I gave her a deep, passionate kiss.

"Why don't we find out?"

"Glad to."

We shared another deep, lust filled kiss as she pulled my cami off and sent it flying across the room, revealing my breast which she immediately directed her attention towards. She took her time flicking, kissing and biting causing me to bite my bottom lip from pleasure. Desperate for some skin to skin contact, I attempted to lift her shirt up but she stopped me.

"No. I wanna take care of you right now baby."

She looked up at me with those irresistibly beautiful brown eyes and I whined out of frustration.

"But Deedee, I wanna touch you."

She giggled slightly at the nickname she knew I only used when I was asking for something, which wasn't often and flipped us again so I was on my back with her hovering over me.

"Maybe later but right now.... It's..."

She accentuated her words by planting kisses while she descended to my thighs. She took of my pants and underwear in one go and proceeded to kiss my inner thighs which made me grow wetter with every touch.

"Demi.... now."

I groaned out of both frustration and pleasure.

"Patience my love."

That was her cheeky reply as she went on to blow gently on my clit causing me to be even more anxious.

"Demi, I swear if y- Oh!"

She cut me off by sliding two fingers inside me with slow, hard thrusts.

"You were saying?"

She looked up at me and gave a cocky grin but due to the situation I was in, I couldn't answer her even if I tried and she knew that. She picked up the pace and started licking me with that sweet warm tongue of hers, knowing I wouldn't be able to last much longer.


"I know baby, play with your tits for me."

And that's exactly what I did. Feeling my orgasm build up, I started to grind on her face as I mumbled a mix of gibberish and profanities.

"Right here baby, yes, oh fuck."

Then all a of sudden, I started to hear music coming from the side of the bed. Was a that her phone or mine? Who cares anyway? I felt my orgasm peak and just as I was about to cum, she just stopped.

"What the, Why'd you stop?"

She was reaching for her phone that was on the nightstand.

"I know you are not about to answer your phone."

She gave me an apologetic look but her voice had a hint of irritation.

"It could be important."

She just answered the call and walked into the hallway. I knew she did that on purpose so I couldn't make out who she was talking to. I lay there, just a bit confused as to whether or not that really just happened. I didn't have much time to think though as my own phone started to ring.


"I'm downstairs. You ready?"

"Ready for..."

"We said we would go to the gym today at ten."

"Shit Mar..."

I hopped up off the bed and ran to the bathroom.

"... I totally spaced on that. Dammit... Umm... gimmie twenty minutes? You can come in if you'd like. You know where the key is right?"

"No it's fine. Just hurry."


With that I hung up and hopped in the shower, brushing my teeth and bathing at the same time. When I was done, I quickly grabbed a towel and started to dry off. When I got back to the bedroom, Demi was sitting by the edge of the bed doing God knows what.

"What are you- Where are you going?"

Apparently she looked up long enough to notice I was putting on my Nike pro shorts and sports bra.

"Jessica, I asked you a question."

I didn't even glance up from tying my shoelaces. I just simply went over to the mirror and fixed the ponytail my hair was already in. Feeling satisfied, I grabbed my phone and a small towel and started to leave the room, when I heard Demi shout after me.

"You don't have to be a bitch about everything you know."

I stopped in my tracks and clenched my fist and was in the middle of turning around to cuss her out but I just shook my head and continued down the stairs. I went into the kitchen to grab a bottle of water when I heard her racing down the stairs behind me.

"Jess, baby, I didn't mean that. Just-"

I was out the door before she could even finish what she was saying. I got into Marissa's car just as she opened the door behind me.

"So that's why the punctuality queen was late, huh?"

Marissa asked as she pulled out of my driveway.

"It's nothing like that, well kinda but it's whatever. We got into another argument. I'm honestly getting sick and tired of it."

I said with a frustrated sigh.

"Hey, Just relax OK? You guys are gonna be fine. You know how she acts up when there's a full moon. I just hope she realizes what she has before it's too late."

She said, giving me the warmest smile ever.

"You know what Callahan? You're kinda alright. Sometimes I wish I was riding dirty with you instead."

I said, causing us both to let out hearty laughs before she spoke again, her voice hardly even a whisper but I still heard it.

"You and I both."

Here it is guys!! Don't blowtorch my house. Jerissa is back! New chapter will be up by Thursday. Xoxo JessWess.

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