Brushing off

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I slowly made my way down the stairs, following the scent of food wafting from the kitchen. I still had a slight headache from all the events that took place last night. It still all felt so surreal.

"Good morning beautiful."

Marissa smiled at me as she made her way over to where I was, kissing me on the lips. Involuntarily, my eyes widened at her actions and she pulled back to look at me with a confused look on her face.

"What's wrong?"

"I, uh, umm..."

I stuttered, trying my best not to sound harsh.

"...What was that?"

Her smile faltered a bit as she dished me some breakfast.

"I just thought that after last night we were..."

For fuck's sake, why do I always keep drinking knowing damn well I would do some reckless shit and not remember? Still, I was a bit curious as to what exactly happened. She moved to settle on the stool in front of me and I questioned her.

"Last night?"

"Yeah, Last night."

She nodded her head, blushing over some memory I obviously couldn't recall as well as she could. After pouring us juice she looked up at me, her smile fading when she noticed the look of confusion I had on.

"You don't, you don't remember?"

She sighed as she rested her face in her hands then running her fingers through her blonde hair.

"I'm sorry but I don't."

I looked away, avoiding the look of sadness on her face.

"Well last night we uh, we slept together."

God dammit Jessica. Even though I knew what she meant, I still tried to clear things up.

"As in, we..."

I nodded my head slightly and she knew exactly what I meant.

"Yes. We did do it and it was amazing."

She reached over and placed her hand atop mine on the kitchen island. I sighed deeply and pulled my hand from her grip.

"Mar, I can't."

I said sympathetically as her shoulders dropped in disappointment and she questioned sadly.

"Why not?"

"I just got my heart broken in the worst way possible, I'm a bit fucked up right now a-"

"I don't care how fucked up you are. I'm not Demi, I'd never do that to you."

She cut me off, desperation evident in her tone and her face.

"And I know that but if we get together right now, I'd only be using you. I know how that feels and it wouldn't be fair to you."

I pleaded with her, wanting her to see things from my point of view. She just shook her head in response.

"No. I still don't care. Let me fix it, let me show you what real love is. Just give me a chance please?"

By now, she had made her way to stand in front of me and held both my hands in hers. She obviously had no intentions of backing down.

"I can't. Not right now. Maybe in a few months, if you still feel the same way but right now, I need you to be my friend more than anything else."

I saw her face light up more and more as I continued my sentence. The fact that I gave her hope of a relationship obviously sufficing for the moment.

"Sure. No awkwardness though right?"

"No awkwardness."

She gave me huge ear to ear grin before suffocating me in a hug.

"You already changed your flight right? What time are you going to the hotel for your stuff?"

She went back to her side of the island and downed some grape juice. Well that returned to normal pretty fast.

"Uh, Yeah. Maybe around ten? You know since the flight is at one."

She nodded as she swallowed a price of toast, enabling her to speak.

"OK sure, We have like two hours til then. I wish you would stay til tomorrow so we could fly back together."

She looked over and gave me pleading puppy eyes.

"I just have a really important meeting tomorrow and my aunt and Jazz are due the next day."

"It's cool. We're going out tomorrow night though. No excuses."

"Fine by me."

I gave in, knowing all too well she wouldn't give up if I stated otherwise. She smiled at me and continued to shovel food in her mouth. The only sound we heard was the barely audible words from the television nearby. I took up my phone and texted Demi.

"Changed flight. Going to the hotel @10. You can go b4 or after."

I feel like this is kinda short.. (and kind crappy too.) I hope you guys like it nevertheless. I feel like we dont really have bond so I'm gonna start asking questions after each chapter.

Soo.... I wanted to know how you guys found out about my story. xoxo JessWess.

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