Remember me?

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I stood there with my eyes glued to her body. She was dancing as if she owned the stage, nailing every kick, dip and spin. This had always been her dream, to dance with the great Beyoncé. I only regret not being there when she nailed the audition or not being there when she got that call confirming she had indeed ripped the stage apart. But that's why I'm here right now, why I spent the last two months looking for her, to make it up to her. I was drawn from my thoughts by the confetti gun which exploded not to far from my face, causing me to jump back in shock and bumping into someone.


I mumbled,embarrassed as I moved some hair out of my face.

"Thank you all for coming out tonight. Hope you all have a safe journey home."

Queen B said over the microphone as she disappeared from the audience's view. I took that as my cue to make my way backstage. I weaved my way through the crowd, occasionally bumping into a few persons who were going toward the exit. Despite that, It didn't take long to get to the backstage door.

"May I see your pass please?"

The large security guard asked as I fumbled through my handbag,trying to find my backstage pass.

"Just give me a minute..... I'm sure it's in here somewhere."

I answered frustrated, ruffling through my bag.

"Umm m'am, Is that it around your neck?"

He asked me, obviously trying to hold back a laugh. I looked down and surely my pass was dangling from my neck.

"Oh yeah, Sorry."

He briefly looked over my pass and stepped aside,allowing me to go through the door. I walked a few feet but walked back to the entrance just as quickly.

"Umm... do you guys know where the dancers' dressing rooms are?"

I asked shyly as the security guard chuckled lightly causing his entire frame to jiggle.

"I'll take you. Frank, cover for me?"

He asked the other guard who was by the door who affirmed with a slight nod. He then turned back to me.

"Ok little lady, follow me."

He led me through some halls til we came to a huge room with lots of girls bustling about and talking to each other.

"Good luck."

He gave me a warm smile as he walked off.

"Thank you."

I shouted after him and he gave a hand signal to indicate he had heard me. I slowly walked inside the room, trying to spot Jessica but I was having a warm time finding her. After a few seconds, I heard someone let out a huge laugh, her laugh. I followed where the sound was coming from and surely there she was. She was changing out of her performance outfit while chatting it up with a few others. All of a sudden, I started to feel a bit nervous. I mean, the last time I saw her I had shoved my feelings for her down her throat.

"Are you lost?"

One of the dancers came up to me and asked.

"No, I found who I came here for."

I smiled as I slowly started to make my way over to her. By the time I got to where she was, her back was turned to me as she removed her stage makeup. She always hated that stuff. I fessed up and cleared my throat getting her attention.

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