Bliss part 2

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"Aaah.... I've missed this."

Jessica sighed contentedly from between my legs and her head resting on my chest in the bath tub while playing with the soap bubbles on my fingers.

"The feeling is mutual and by the way you look really beautiful with your hair straightened like that."

"Great I was beginning to think you didn't like it."

She pouted while self consciously fixing her hair.

"Oh turned me all the way on."

I assured while  kissing her neck causing her to giggle and we fell under a comfortable silence once more. I couldn't help but feel some lingering guilt from the conversion Jess and I had earlier. The mere fact that she had to ask if I really did love her says alot. I shouldn't have made her feel the need to ask that question. She really is the most important person to me and I love her. I really don't want to mess this up. She was the one.

"Hey, remember that time you brought me lunch at the studio last month and you could keep your lips to yourself?"

She asked me while still fumbling with my fingers.

"Yeah.... Oh my gosh we didn't get caught on camera did we?"

My panic level going from 0 to 100 real quick.

"Seriously? I'm about to tell this bomb ass story and all you can think about is your career?"

She turned rolling her eyes at me. Oh shit, I'm doing it again.

"Ummm no its ju-"

"Shut up."

She retorted with that Jamaican sass I knew all too well ever since the first day we met and I complied with a zipping motion over my lips.

"As I was saying..."

She returned to playing with my fingers.

"... So Lea saw us and kept it to herself all this time.Can you believe it?"

"But why didn't she say something something?"

"That's what I said but she said it wasn't her place since you're dating Valderashit and all."


"Yeah so that's one more person in the know."

"Yeah..... Hey, I was thinking maybe we could take a road trip this weekend.... We haven't had one of those in a while huh?"

"I'm going to NYC this weekend remember?"

"That was this weekend?"

"Yes eediat (idiot in Jamaican lingo) and you promised to take me to the airport."

"No problem...... maybe you could come to that barbeque my parents are  having the weekend of my birthday? And the birthday party is supposed to be two days after so you could come to both?"

"Demi I'm not so sure about that and don't you hate birthday parties?"

She looked at me and I could see a glimpse of fear in her eyes.

"Honey, there's nothing to be scared of....... I promise."

"You know the type of business my parents were in..... What if they find out? They'll never like me."

"I'll handle it OK?"

"OK but other than that, I really wouldn't subject myself to seeing you all lovey dovey with Dickmer."

I rolled my eyes and chuckled at her words.

"He wont be at the barbeque he has some thing.... and I'll make him keep his hands to himself at the party OK? Deal?"

I stuck out my pinky for her to take.


Would you guys prefer longer chapters with longer waiting times or are these good? Xoxo JessWess

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