Falling to pieces

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"Hey babe. What you doing?"

Marissa questioned as I got comfortable on the sofa and switched the television on.

"I'm about to watch Ellen. Demi's on today."


That was her simple reply as she plopped down beside me and kissed my cheek.

"What was that for?"

I turned to give her a funny look and she smiled at me.

"You're just so cute."

I gave her a quick kiss and rested my head on her shoulder as the interview started. I couldn't help but admire how beautiful Demi was as she smiled to the audience and then at Ellen. She even appeared to be glowing.

"So Demi, how's it been?"

Ellen started the interview in the same manner she has with so many others. Demi answered in typical Demi style, not forgetting to be goofy every once in a while which earned a chuckle from me. I could feel Marissa glaring at me so I cleared my throat uncomfortably and sat up.

"So, for the past few years, you've been in a very public relationship with Wilmer Valderrama so of course we all saw that engagement coming. What we didn't expect though was that breakup that happened a few weeks ago. Do you mind sharing?"

I could feel the energy in the room shift as the audience came to realize that Ellen was crossing the boundaries with her question. On the other hand, Demi didn't seem the least bit fazed which made me believe that somehow she was the one to convince Ellen to ask that particular question.

Her response caused me to straighten up in my seat and I could feel the mood in the room shift as Mar glanced between me and the television, probably trying to keep track of my reaction as Demi went on.

"Yeah, Sure. Sometimes the people around you can influence what you think you want or what you think is best for yourself but the truth is only you know what's best for you..."

I smiled softly as she continued.

"You cant keep hiding from yourself forever and you cant keep hurting the people you love just because you're afraid of what this or that person might say or think..."

I kept on watching attentively. I really didn't care that Marissa was still in the room staring at me intently. All that mattered in that moment was Demetria.

"You just said that you kept on hurting someone who you loved because you were afraid? Afraid of what?"

Ellen seemed genuinely curious as she questioned on.

"Oh yeah. I was in a relationship for almost five years with someone who I kept hidden from the world because I was scared of all the judgemental backlash we would get. She never forced me to do or be anything that I wasn't comfortable to do. I only remember her pushing me to be the best person I could be but there's a time when you just say 'screw it' and learn to just live for yourself and no one else."

I felt a tear roll down my cheek as I realized what she was planning to accomplish.

"You said this person is a 'she' so you were in a same sex relationship with this person?"

Demi smiled before saying something I had longed to hear for so many years.

"Yes. I was in a relationship with the love of my life."

The crowd broke out in a resounding 'awww' as a few more tears escaped my eyes. I couldn't help but chuckle though, at Ellen's response.

"Oh stop it you hopeless romantics. So Demi, what happened?"

"I was being an ass but I wont stop until she's mine again."

She stated with a level of determination that I had never seen her display before as she turned directly to the camera.

"Jessica, if you're watching, which I know you are, I love you and I won't stop until you ate back in my arms and in my life where you rightfully belong."

Ellen sent the show to commercial break and I heard Marissa stomp her way the front door.

"I'll be back later."

She grumbled and slammed the door behind her and I let out a loud sigh before throwing myself backways into the sofa.


It was nearly eleven in the night and Mar's phone went unanswered for the umpteenth time. I had started to worry hours ago so at this point, I was a half inch from going insane.

Jazz and my aunt had already gone up to bed so I was all alone pacing through the house, trying to get a hold of Mar. I decided to take a shower to pass some more time as I waited for her.

As soon as I had shed all my clothes and stepped under the scalding water cascading from my shower head, I heard some shuffling in my room. A part of me wanted to go and smack the shit out of Marissa while the other wanted to hug her tightly.

"Is there something wrong with your phone?"

I questioned as soon as I exited the bathroom, still soaking wet.

"I just needed some time OK?"

She answered, annoyed and refusing to even glance in my direction. I simply huffed and made my way to my drawers in search of some PJs. I knew if I persisted, we would just end up arguing and I really wasn't up for it. In a way, it was like dating Demi all over again.

"Look, babe, I'm sorry OK?"

She sighed after we got settled in bed. The distance that was between us slightly bothered me and I had hoped it was nagging her too.

"I just don't understand why you didn't even text to tell me that you were OK. You had me worried sick."

I stated calmly as she turned on her side to face me.

"It's just... seeing her confess her love for you like that... It irked me and seeing you stare at the television screen as if the sun rose and set on her was just too much. I needed to be alone for a while."

"I'm sorry."

I croaked out and she pulled me close and kissed my forehead.

"You don't have to be. We cant help who we fall in love with. I just have to treasure this while you're still mine."

Happy new year everyone!! PS. Has anyone seen or heard from C_Martinez96 lately? I haven't seen (him/her) online in a while and they don't respond to my messages so I'm kinda worried. (Yes I do notice all of you guys and notice when you're missing. I'm a creep) xoxo JessWess.

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