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"Oh honey!"

I heard Demi cry out as she burst through the doors of Marissa's bedroom. The pitch of her voice doing nothing to alleviate my persistent headache.

"Demi, Shut the fuck up. My head hurts."

I groaned out as she held me close to her chest as if her entire existence depended on it.

"How do you feel?"

"The middle ground between shit and feeling like I got run over by a war tanker twelve times."

She chuckled and I noticed her eyes were all red and puffy. I squinted to get a better look of her face and asked.

"Were you crying?"

She put me down and went over to Marissa's vanity mirror, inspecting her face.

"Uh, its nothing. Really. It's cool."

She babbled out, knowing all to well I knew she was lying. Seeing as I was tired from all the heaving earlier, I decided I would get the truth out of her later. When I had the energy and the patience.

"OK. Well how about you get me back to the hotel? I'm about as empty as the batteries in Mar's vibrator."

She let out a huge laugh and Mar heard my comment just as she entered the room.

"I can't believe you just said that!"

I walked over to her and gave her a big warm hug.

"Aww sweetie it's fine I'll get you some new ones."

I pretended to console her as she pretended to mourn. We just stayed there, hugging for a few minutes, and chuckling over nothing. Demi decided to speak up.

"Sooo, I thought you said you wanted to go back to the hotel or would you two like me to leave?"

She said, scowling and folding her arms. Marissa and I loosened our hug and exchanged knowing looks.

"OK Jealous Jenny. Will you carry my stuff for me?"

Demi just picked up my phone off the bed and stomped past Marissa and I.


She mumbled as she made her way down the stairs, not waiting for me to catch up.

"Later Mar. I'll text you soon."

I gave her a kiss on the cheek and went after Demi. I started off quickly but I soon had to slow down because I started to feel dizzy.

"Demi, stop."

I croaked out but she was too far ahead to hear me or even notice I went to sit on the sidewalk. After I felt stable enough to get up, I started to make my way to the car. When I got closer, I saw Demi sitting in the car with a blank expression on her face.

"It took you half an hour to get to the car?"

She asked accusingly as she started the car.

"I was feeling dizzy so I stopped. You didn't even care enough to see why I took so long."

"So you stopped for a whole thirty minutes? That's cute."

She said with her tone dripping with sarcasm as we drove along the highway.

"You know what Demi? Fuck you."

She clenched her jaw as she increased her grip on the steering wheel and kept her attention on the road. I turned my back to her and stared out the window, trying to enjoy the scenery. Soon, I noticed the car started to slow down. Demi leaned over and rested her back hand on my forehead, checking my temperature.

"I'm gonna get you some aspirin and try to get something for the vomiting. You need anything else from the pharmacy?"

She asked me as she put on her glasses and jacket before leaving the car. I didn't answer though, I just kept my back turned to her. She let out a sigh and mumbled.

"I'll be a right back."

Twenty minutes later, she returned with a paper bag which she placed in the space between our seats.

"They had that chocolate you love so much. You know, the cookie and cream one and I got you cranberry juice."

She tried to stir up a conversation between us but I just continued to ignore her.

"Jess, talk to me."

She whined and started to poke me, knowing I would get annoyed. Still, I didn't let her get to me. She gave up after a few minutes and kept her focus on getting us to the hotel.

"Why don't you trust me?"

I asked her as we lay in bed later that night. She kept tossing and turning so I knew she wasn't asleep and that something was on her mind.

"I do."

She said as she propped herself up on her elbow to look over at me.

"How did it go after I left?"

"Not good. Why didn't you tell me you've met my family before?"

She sat upright in the bed and I knew we weren't going to bed anytime soon.

"Who told you?"

I asked her as I turned onto my back, facing the ceiling.

"My mom."

"What did she say?"

I sighed as I pulled the sheets tighter around me, desperate for comfort.

"Not much. She said I should ask you."

I sat there in silence, not really knowing how I should approach the situation.


She urged me on. Her voice was flat and that did nothing to calm my nerves that were in overdrive.

"It was that day. The day you first told me you loved me and you got admitted into the hospital. I was there with you when they came. She called me outside and said stuff to me. Some really awful stuff and I believed her. She threatened me, she told me to stay away from you so I left."

By now, there were tears running down my face but I kept my voice steady. I wasn't sure if she knew I was crying but she never mentioned it.

"What kinda stuff?"

She kept her voice stern as she questioned me.

"She told me it was my fault that you overdosed, that I wasn't pretty enough for you, that I wasn't good enough and you could never love someone like me."

"You believed her?"

Her voice was still void of emotion and that made me worry.

"She was pretty convincing."

We remained silent for a few minutes. She then went back to the position she had previously occupied on the bed. She scooted over beside me and I turned so she could hug me from behind and we intertwined our fingers.

"Remember how I promised to always protect you no matter the cost?"

I could feel her hot breath against my back as she spoke. I was a bit confused as to where she was going with this but I answered nonetheless.


"I'm never breaking that promise."

OK so as usual this chapter took a different route than I had intended but I hope you guys still like it (and me). xoxo JessWess

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