Take off

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"Is that everything?"

I asked Demi as she moved to close the trunk of her car.

"You only have one suitcase Jess, I'm pretty sure I got everything."

She teased me and rolled her eyes while making her way to the driver's seat.

"I'll be out soon I'm just gonna ensure everything is alright inside."

I yelled over my shoulder as I disappeared inside the house to ensure all windows and doors were locked, all taps and lights were off and the security system activated. Feeling satisfied, I hopped into the passenger's side.

"Did you get the GTA for me?"

I had asked her if she could get it since Jasmine said she was unable to.

"It took alot of looking since its on high demand but thankfully your girlfriend is a celebrity so I pulled a few strings."

She answered cockily handing me the game package and I pecked her lips.

"One of the few times I don't mind being in love with a celebrity."

"So it's something you mind?"

"Only sometimes."

I turned on the radio and surprisingly I found a station playing some reggae music.

"Could you be loooooved..... And be loooved."

I sang out as Demi looked over at me dying with laughter.

"Babe, do us both a favour and don't quit your day job."

"Hey, don't be rude.... considering you couldn't dance if your life depended on it."

"Someone is obviously forgetting my famous birthday dance."

"Oh you mean that birthday dance choreographed  and spent months teaching you? That birthday dance?"

"OK you win."

"And you know I can hold a note if I really wanted to."

"Sure. Whatever floats your boat honey."

"Oh, its on."

Just then I received a text from Marissa.

"So you're just gonna use me and not text me after? Lmao."

I quickly remembered the hickey I had after that night and started to fear the worst. What did she mean by used?

"I don't remember using anyone.... Enlighten me. ;)"

That winky face made this about 100 times more sexual than it needed to be.

"Oh you know.... calling me over to keep your company after your gf bailed, bribing me with wine and Netflix."

"Oh and some making out."

"Make that very intense making out ;)"

Holy shit. I made out with Marissa? That must be where the hickey came from. But did we go any further? Seems she had read my mind because the fourth text she sent answered my question.

"That's all. :))."

I let out the breath I didn't even know I was holding in.

"Hey you alright over there? You look a little pale."

Demi asked with concern written all over her face.

"Yeah I'm fine. Just texting Mar."

"So my best friend can text my girlfriend but not me? Tell that little shit head I say hey."

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