thank you

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thank you thank you thank you to every single reader who has supported me through this journey. this is the very first fanfic i've written and i truly did not expect it to blow up this much. this book is my baby and it's sad to see it ending.

as much as i would love to write this for as long as possible but i feel like this is where natalia and fred's story ends. if in the future i was to make a sequel, it would probably be a spin-off about their kids rather than a continuation of their story. there will be a few bonus chapters for when i feel like coming back and writing about fred and natalia.

to all my readers who have supported me from the first chapter, i know exactly who you are and i am so thankful for you.

if you are a harry styles fan or want to read my other book, please go check it out. it's called oh, anna and it's a mafia/dark harry fanfic. i'm extremely excited to be writing it with one of my close friends, arreagas_chains, and i think you all might enjoy it.

now if you want to keep reading this story, i'm re-writing chapters 39-53 on inkitt with a completely different plot meaning there's no louis, no pregnancy, and something entirely different. that version will be posted on wattpad when it's done being written which i don't know exactly when that's gonna happen but i will let you all know.

edit: i changed my mind and it's too much work to have to make a whole new plot line to promises while i'm in school and writing another book so i'm just gonna edit the chapters and upload them onto inkitt and they'll probably be up on wattpad once i'm done

once again i am so thankful for your support through this story and it's sad to say goodbye to fred and natalia. i hope you enjoyed this book and once again thank you.

- ms. lube

promises // fred weasleyWhere stories live. Discover now