•"i want to hate you "•

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hate to love one shot

Suggested by bughead_only_das_IT



Words could not describe how much I hated Betty Cooper, she was just so annoying, she's never done anything but I couldn't help hating her, she was perfect, a straight A student, a part of me didn't want to hate her, she was nice, to just about everyone, apart from Chuck, but she has her reasons, always had a smile plastered on her face, always bringing people up whenever she could, she'd never bother anyone, she'd leave her lessons and go straight to the Blue and Gold, and stay in there until her next lesson, I just hated her, with a passion, I had a meeting with Weatherbee about my grades and I knew this wasn't going to be good
"Weatherbee? You wanted to see me
there she was" tight ass ponytail and a blue sweater
"Yes Mr Jones, come in, I hate to say this to you, but your grades are slipping again, keep this up and you'll have to repeat your year, so I've asked Miss Cooper here if she'd let you write for the Blue and Gold as that is your best option seeing as though your failing English"
"No way! I'm not working with Miss Barbie here, she's so annoying"
"I'm not that bad"
"Oh yes you are Princess"
"Mr Jones! That is enough, Betty is going to have to let you write so suck it up, now off you go, I've got you both a free period so you can make a good start now go"
The pair of us scrambled out and into the blue and gold

I don't know why Jughead hates me, I've never really done anything to him, not that I can think of, he's just always been so cold to me, never said I nice word to me in my life so when Weatherbee asked if I'd help him my heart sank to the bottom of my chest this was going to be a nightmare
"So, what specific part of English are you struggling with?"
"All of it"
I let out a small sigh
"Don't sigh ponytail, I don't want to be here either let's just get on with it"
"I wasn't meaning to be rude sorry, umm, let's start with Of Mice and Men then,(get the reference from Rvd) that's the book your studying right"
After about three hours, Jughead finally got the jist as to why George killed Lennie
"So he killed him coz Curley's wife was killed by him"
"Yes, you got it!"
"Thanks Betsy"
I let out a small sigh and looked back up again to him
"Close, it's Betty" I smiled, not a real one, one I've been putting on for a while
"Sure whatever"
I let a small tear slip out of the corner of my eye as he left the room, as soon as I heard the door close I put my head in my hands and started to sob quietly, not realising Jughead was just behind the door listening to me

My heart broke a little when I heard Betty cry, I didn't like it. I couldn't feel sympathy for her, I hate her.
Next day
"Yo, Barbie, we studying again" I groaned with an eye roll,
"Yeah, sorry"
I walked off to join my friends as Betty walked back into the Blue and Gold, after about 10 minutes I walked in as well throwing my books down on the desk and sat on the chair next to it, I looked over to Betty who had some headphones in, she looked weak, and her eyes were puffy and red and she had a hoodie on and some light jeans, not her usual attire, I didn't think anything of it, I hate her
I punched her arm to get her attention
"Yo, hurry up, I haven't got all day"
She lifted her head up, and put on a smile, once that didn't sit right on her face, a wonky, deflated one, and she had purple bruises on her neck, they definitely weren't hickeys
"I'm sorry, I was just reading"
"Do you ever stop fucking saying sorry?"
She said nothing and got up and grabbed some books from a box,
"Weatherbee wants you to revise these for a test I need to give you"
"Ugh omg no!"
"I'm sorry jug but you need to"
"It's Jughead for you" I spat at her
Yet again, after about an hour Betty had to leave to take a phone call, I move her bag to get the next book and see a few things drop out a bottle of antidepressants, adderall, weight loss pills and doctors appointment envelope couldn't open that, but I did open the pills, the there were 2 antidepressants left, about 6 adderall and no weight loss pills left, that was it my heart completely shattered, my and my friends had always picked on Betty for her weight, despite her being the size of a runner bean, I was about to put them in her bag but I heard a small gasp from behind me
"y-you weren't supp-supposed to find t-those"
"Betty, I- I'm sorry I was reaching for another book and they just fell out"
"And what you had to open them?"
"I'm sorry, why are you taking these?"
"Because of you jughead! Because your bullying and tormenting, what the hell have I ever done to you huh? You were rude, horrible you picked at me for how I looked I'm already disgusted with how I look and you and your little minions made it worse!"
"No jughead, your not sorry so don't say you are, I'm going home, you'll have to find a new tutor, I'm not doing this anymore!"
"Betty, wait please"
It was too late, she had already left in tears, i just sat there at the point of my own tears, I never meant to hurt her that bad, she'd left the envelope and I couldn't help but look at it
Dear Miss Cooper-Smith
We have written to your mother aswell as the strangle marks on your neck may take time to heal, we below have prescribed you with a soothing cream for the redness and some antibiotics to stop the pain and potentially swelling
Our best regards all the doctors at St. Peter's surgery,
Dr. Petersons
I dropped the letter, Betty was being abused

It was few days later and I hadn't seen Betty at all, not in the Blue and Gold either, I went in there one last time
"Yes jughead what the hell do you want, you made Betty's life a living hell, don't come in here and make mine one too"
"I- I wasn't I just wanna know where she is"
"Can't tell you that, go ask her mom"
I ran to Betty's house within about 3 minutes I knocked on her door and a teary eyed Ms Cooper, opened the door
"Jughead Jones, the boy who ruined my daughter, what can I do for you now"
"Listen Ms Cooper I'm so sorry for what I've done to Betty, I just want to know where she is"
"Now your worried, now you know what it's like to sit here and not know if your only daughter will make it"
"Ms Cooper, what happened to Betty"
"She tried to kill herself, because of you, now go away!"
Betty, tried to kill herself, because of me, I needed to go and see her, and tell her I was sorry
I ran yet again to the hospital
"Elizabeth Cooper? Where the fuck is she!?"
"No, your gonna tell me or I'll have you fired"
"214 sir, I just warn you, she may not make it, she swallowed a lot of pills im sorry"
"Yeah, so am I"
I ran to Betty's room and saw a maze of machines and wires with Betty situated in the middle, and with a feeding tube that bad huh I walked I've over to her bedside and held her cold hand
"Betts, I don't know if you can hear me, I'm so sorry for how I've treated you, I promise to change and I'm sorry for pushing you to this point, I won't ever forgive myself, I hope you can hear me I want you to know I apologised"
I pressed a kiss on her forehead before getting up to leave the room, I felt a small touch on my hand and turned around to see Betty with tears in her eyes and her struggling to get words out
"Hey, hey don't try to talk, your tired and weak, just get some rest okay"
"s-stay, please"
I hummed in response and sat back down on the chair and after about two hours you could say me and Betty become extremely close and low and behold 5 years on we were married and had our first baby on the way, and to be honest we have Waldo Weatherbee to thank for this.

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