•"your a drug addict jughead"•

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I hope you guys enjoy this one!🤍

please please remember to vote and comment your requests for future one shots!

trigger warning, for mentions of substance abuse and drug misuse, please do not read if this will make you uncomfortable!

requested by Arri1134

if you know anyone struggling with an addiction please urge them to speak out and get help!🤍


I snorted another line of coke that was formed with my credit card, my eyes red and already half closed, I was a mess, hooked on drugs since I was 18, Betty didn't know it would crush her heart if she found out she had an addict for a boyfriend I was trying remember what it used to be like and I loved how it was before

age: 14 years

"Betts can I talk to you for a sec?" I asked, walking into my life long best friend Betty's bedroom
"yeah of course, what's up Jug" she said, placing her make up down on her vanity
"I like you Betty, like a lot" I just came out and said it
"wow, I was not expecting that" she stuttered
"I know I know, I'm sorry" I mumbled turning bright red from embarrassment
"no, Jug I do like you as well, I just wasn't expecting you to say it first" she giggled
"well I guess I can ask you out, so Betty Cooper will you be my girlfriend?" I said hopefully
"yes yes of course!" She jumped up and down smiling

age: 16 years

"happy two year anniversary baby girl!" I walked into her bedroom with roses and chocolates
"aww Jug, thank you so much this has been the best two years of my entire life" she smiled, wrapping her arms tightly around my neck, I kissed down her shoulders
"I love you Betts" I placed the presents on her desk, clambering into bed with her wrapping her up tightly in my arms
"and I love you even more" she giggled softly, kissing me gently

age: 18 years

"Jughead it's one am why are you only coming back now?" her soft angelic voice rang out throughout the house, I wanted to desperately run to her, tell her what was going on, for her to help me and support me but I just couldn't bring myself to do it
"so what? I'm 18 fucking years old Elizabeth I can do what I fucking want I don't need your permission okay? now get off my back" before I knew it I could hear her sniffling and crying, the fact I'd made her cry made my heart break in two, but I was torn from my thoughts when I had the sudden urge to throw up and I did, I sprinted to the bathroom and made it just in time before the sickly feeling travelled up my throat and i vomited straight into the toilet, I could hear the little patter of feet running across the tiles, she came over and gently rubbed my back
"shh shh, it's okay just get it out love, it's all going to be okay Jug" she whispered softly in my ear, rubbing my hair, I just started to cry gently
"I'm sorry Betty" I trembled
"it's okay, did you eat something funny?"

weed obviously

"maybe, the food smelt funny but I was really hungry, so i ate it" I lied, I hated lying right to her face but it was for her own good
I woke up crying that night, just gently sobbing at what a train wreck I was, Betty softly pulled me into her arms again, whispering sweet nothings into my hair until my cries dyed down and I was asleep once again

"hey jug I was wondering if you wanted to come to the library with me and study for that test we have coming up?" she said, grabbing her car keys, she looked so hopeful and smiley as if I hadn't screamed at her like a manic last night, I shook my head "no" and she sighed, tears gathering in her eyes, she nodded and left climbing into her car and driving off, I started to cry again, and I kept thinking to myself why was she still with me if I was treating her like this?

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