•"betty the ghoulie"•

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I hope you guys enjoy this one!🤍

concept: this is a similar concept to 'sweet water river" Jellybean gets kidnapped but Betty finds her despite being a Ghoulie she's very nice.

trigger warning: slight mentions of kidnapping and mentions of suicide please do not read if this will make you uncomfortable!


I was walking back home when I could hear small cries coming from afar, I followed the sound only to be greeted by Jellybean Jones, blood on her knees and tears streaming down her already stained face, i bent down to meet her
"hey you okay darling?" I said softly
"please don't hurt me" she whimpered
"I won't okay, what happened?"
"Your gang jumped me, they kidnapped me as well, I just want to go home, please take me home?" She begged I sighed
"I need to get you to the sheriff station first okay?" I carefully grabbed her arms and helped her up
"you aren't gonna hurt me are you?" She whispered quietly
"no no sweetie, I'm not like the others I promise you okay, let me help" I said softly

After helping her walk to the station I stopped at the entrance
"alright Doll, you go on in okay, just say you managed to get out okay?" I patted her shoulder and started to walk away but she quickly grabbed my hand
"no can you please stay I don't wanna go on my own" she stammered I sighed and eventually gave in and walked into the sheriff station
"thank you" she smiled up at me
I pushed the doors open and the whole place fell silent
"dad! Jug!" the little girl slipped from my hand and ran towards two men in leather serpent jackets
fuck Jughead and his dad
"Jellybean! Omg we were worried sick" Jughead shouted as he met Jellybean halfway through the corridor, i was fiddling with my fingers when I noticed that he looked up at me with an evil glare in his eye
"you!-" he came storming up to me, pointing us finger at me in a dangerous manner
"-you took her, you took her from us, god your gonna fucking pay" he was nearly at my position now, i was trembling, my breathing was quickening, I was probably having a panic attack, I felt I was going to die until I felt two little arms wrap around my legs
"no juggie! She saved me, she never took me, I was under a bridge thing and Betty found me, don't get angry at her" she scolded her older brother despite being young she could really tell someone off, my breathing was still completely out of control
"is that true?" he asked looking back up to me
I couldn't say anything, I just nodded my head fast, scared if I'd say anything I'd cry
"words Ghoulie" he scolded
"y-yes I-it's tr-true" I stammered tears forming at my eyes looking down
"okay, thanks I guess" I nodded and walked away as quickly as I could not daring to look back at him again, I was about to push the door open when I heard a loud voice from behind me
"Betty! Hey wait up" I turned around to see FP waking towards me
"y-yes?" I smiled shyly
"I want to say thank you for getting JB back to us, it means so much to us, and I'm so sorry for my sons attitude, he's never been the nice type, how's your sister she okay?" He asked softly
"no sign of her FP, starting to lose hope now I guess" I sighed
"well I'm always here to help" he patted my shoulder
"thanks, I better get going Penny's probably wondering where I am" I smiled
"you don't have to be with them Betty" I sighed and walked away not wanting to take part in that conversation anymore


"you need to apologise to that Cooper girl boy" I sighed and placed Pops down on the table
"Oh yeah and why, let's not forget she's a Ghoulie, that's not going in your head a GHOULIE we don't like those people dad" I said
"not by choice" he grumbled
"what?" I couldn't hear him, he sighed
"she's not a Ghoulie by choice Jughead, her sister went missing a few years ago and the Ghoulies promised her they'd find her if she worked for them, she did, they scammed her and now she's roped in, you fucking scared her when you shouted at her, she was trembling and couldn't fucking breathe, you caused her a panic attack Jughead, get your fucking act together" he shouted at me, I took a step back and let out a breath
I'd caused that?
"what?" I was upset at this point
"yes, I'm pretty sure you shouting at her every time you see her fuels her anxiety Jughead, clean your act up, she's the best out of that lot of them, she just brought your sister back, be grateful" I sunk down further into my chair as he slammed the trailer door I groaned knowing I needed to do something so I finished eating and made the trek to Betty's house and i timidly knocked on the door only to be greeted by a smiley Alice Cooper, which quickly turned into a scared frown
"Jughead? What can I do for you, if your here to shout at my daughter again please don't her anxiety has already skyrocketed these few months" she mumbled I scratched the back of my neck
"I'm not here to shout Ms Cooper, I just want to apologise to her and thank her for bringing my sister home" I shrugged
"she's upstairs, probably asleep, those Ghoulies have her doing everything, or she could be in the bath I'm not too sure, knock and ask" she welcomed me into the house and showed me upstairs, I carefully knocked on the door
"Betty? It's Jug, can I come in for a sec?" I couldn't hear anything but could hear water I was guessing she was in the bath so I walked in to hear sobbing from the other side of the door
I knocked again slowly
"Betty? You okay, listen I just wanna apologise for what I did-" I could hear a wince and another cry
"you okay in there, can I come in?"
"n-no p-please don't" she begged, I know knew something was wrong I looked around to try and find a key or something to open the door

Bobby pin, Bobby pin, she always has those

"Betty I'm coming in okay?" I bathed the door open after fiddling with the lock for a good 30 seconds I found Betty sat in the bath with an unopened bottle of pills in her hand, before I could think I lunged forwards and grabbed them she started to cry and shout at me but I just took it, putting myself in her shoes
"Jughead! Give those fucking things back, just let me go!" She screamed, tears were falling down both of our faces i bent to down to meet her eye level and spoke
"look, you don't want to do this Betty, think about your mom, your sister, who I know for a fact you'll find, your friends, hell even the Ghoulies okay? just please hold on, you can't end everything like this alright, let me help you please? Im sorry for shouting earlier I could tell you were scared and I made you talk, I'm sorry, let's get you out of the bath and dry yeah" I sighed seeing such a broken girl not know what to do with life anymore, I gave her some privacy and let her get dressed, I stuck on a film and got her a drink, I was just sitting down when I heard the bathroom door creak open and a puffy eyed but still pretty Betty came strolling out

"well aren't you pretty" I smiled softly

awwww, I really like this ending, I hope you guys did to!!

please please remember to vote and comment your requests for future one shots!🤍
love you all❤️


bughead one shotsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora