it needs to stop.

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hi everyone, bit of a rant this one.

it is very very clear that Cole and Ari are dating, he takes her on dates, they've been seen together numerous times and he likes an awful lot of her photos on instagram.

the hate towards Ari needs to stop, it's not her fault Cole and Lili broke up, it was a mutual decision and they are both happy now, in no way am i saying this is any of you but maybe spread this word.

He still cares about Lili as they work together, but this isn't an excuse to direct toward either of the girls, this situation is out of their control, the nicest thing we can do is leave Cole and Ari alone, as well as Lili.

The harassing and rude comments such as
"she's just a replacement"
"he obviously has a type"
"no i want sprousehart back"
"Lili is so much prettier"
"she's ugly i don't like her Cole"
this seriously damaging for some people, we don't know anything about Ari, for all we know she could be suicidal and comments like this could be fuelling her, this isn't fair and is has to stop.

of course Lili and Cole were a beautiful couple and it was very sad that their relationship ended, but we had a laugh with them, their relationship was really beautiful and loving but it obviously needed to come to an end, they'd been on and off for a while and it wasn't working out, it was a matter of right person, wrong time and that is really sad.

we must respect Cole, Ari and Lili for their mental health's sake! please.

thank you for listening.
i love you all

l <3

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