•"i lost it juggie, i'm sorry"•

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⚠️this may be triggering for some: mentions of miscarriage⚠️

Requested by serpent_queen3030


As jughead got in the car for his book tour, a little part of me felt guilty for not telling him, but it was all okay, he was only gonna be gone for a month and a half, so I had my baby girl, Harriet with me, not that she would know what was going to happen, with me, she's only 6 years old but she's getting so big it's scary, me and jug have recently been trying for another baby but it's not been much luck at the moment, I think it may because I'm still quite young, I'm only 27 and I had Harriet at 21 so we had lots of time, but a part of me desperately wanted a baby now, so a few weeks after me and jug tried again I finally fell pregnant, and I was beyond happy, but the news came that jug would be away on a tour for his new book "the forgotten parts" it was so good! So I decided to keep the pregnancy on the low so that it would be a nice surprise for when he came back, so off he went and I walked back inside with Harriet in my arms,
"So baby girl, what do you wanna do today?"
"can we cook a cake, and I wanna to talk to the baby in your tummy mommy"
I giggled at her struggling vocabulary and ruffled her hair
"Of course hon, we can make whatever cake you want"
"chocolate and vanilla"
I started to grab the ingredients from the cupboard, before I heard
"Mommy! how old is the baby now?"
"it's about 3 months old baby, so you'll be a big sister very soon!"
"is it a boy or a girl"
"I don't know yet baby, I might leave it as a surprise"
She groaned and started get more ingredients.
After making and decorating the cake, we sat down to watch a movie, Frozen 2 was Harriets pick, we watched a good hour and a half before I heard Harriets little snores, I scooped her up in my arms, and put her to bed, I was walking back to my room when I felt sharp pains in my stomach, I placed my hand gently on my growing bump and soothed it but the pains were still there, I ran to run a warm bath as they soothe the baby as that was in all of my parenting books, I started to get undressed and sat in the bath I closed my eyes in pain, it wounding stop until I looked down and saw I was sat in a blood bath, I started to sob quietly, I was losing my baby, the one we had tried so so hard for, it was gone, there was no point in taking a trip to the hospital, I knew I'd lost it, I got out after crying to myself and got dry and rubbed my now slightly smaller bump, I was still crying, and I got into bed, on jugs side, I was determined not to wash the sheets, I needed his smell, I wrapped myself in his shirts and cried myself to sleep

"Mommy, Mommy! Wake up, get up get upp"
it was Harriet, how was I supposed to tell a 6 year old girl, she wasn't going to get a brother or sister
"Can I talk to the baby, I wanna say good morning to it, please please"
I had to tell her, I couldn't keep it from her, not from my little girl
"Sweetie, I need to tell you something...last night, when you were asleep, Mommy went to bed and my tummy started to hurt, I-I don't have a b-baby in me anymore"
She said nothing and had little tears in her big blue eyes and wrapped her little arms around my neck, I was sobbing again at this point
"It's okay Mommy, it's not your fault, I still love you, you and daddy can always get another baby"
"Thank you hunny, I love you too, and yes me and daddy can try again, but I need to tell him first okay? Don't tell him"
"I won't"
And with that she skipped off to her room to play with her toys

Time skip a month

Jugs coming home today, and I'm scared, scared to tell him I lost our second child, i was shaking so badly, he'd still love me though right?
"Honey!? Harriet? I'm home"
"Hey girls, hi baby"
he placed a kiss on my forehead and hugged me, and Harriet wiggled in between us,
"How was it jug?"
"It was great Betts, I sold around 900 copies and that was just me alone, god knows what the agency will sell"
"That's brilliant Jug!"
I was pained inside to see my husband so happy, I had to tell but I couldn't to see his face when I told him
That night, we ate dinner together and watched movie as a family until Harriet fell asleep, me and jug watched a few crime documentaries like old times and snuggled up to each other until he suggested we go to sleep.
"You know Betts, I'm so fucking excited to have another baby, I think we should keep trying, if your comfortable with that, god I never knew I wanted to be a father again so badly"
He chuckled, Betty do it now, he'll understand"
"Yes my love"
"About a month before you left for your tour I found out I was p-pregnant, around 3 months, and a few weeks after you left, I had just put Harriet to bed and I felt a really sharp pain in my stomach, so I took a bath like the baby books say, and I closed my eyes for 2 seconds and- and I lost- I- lost the baby juggie, I had a mis-miscarriage I'm so so sorry"
I was bawling my eyes out at this point


My heart broke when I heard Betty say that, she went through a lot on her own, we were so excited and now everything was gone, she just kept crying, I was crying as well, I whispered sweet nothings into her hair
"It's okay Betts, it's not your fault, it can happen to any woman, in no way is this your fault, we were both excited but it's okay, when your ready, we can try again okay? We need to just take our time, we are both young, so there's plenty of time Betts, okay?"
"o-okay, thank you jug, for understanding"
"Of course Betty, your my wife, I love you okay?, it's all gonna be okay, I promise you"
"I love you too jug"

Soon after, around 3/4 months after my miscarriage, I fell pregnant again, with a healthy baby boy, Jackson Jones, born April 17th 2024
We were beyond happy

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