•"i promise to help"•

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i hope you guys enjoy this one!🤍

please please remember to vote and comment your requests for future one shots!

requested by niewtajemnicz0na

trigger warning for mentions of eating disorders, depression and talks fo suicide please do not read if this one will make you uncomfortable!


i was diagnosed with depression at 14 years old, it hit me like a bus, it hurt me so bad making me hate myself so much i pushed myself into an eating disorder, i was constantly trying to end my life i was completely and utterly miserable...until i met him, Jughead Jones, he had always helped me, he was there for anything and everything all my appointments, check ups, my suicide attempts, my therapy sessions, he really did help me.


betty's suicide attempt, 1 year ago.

"where is she?! where the fuck is she Barb!" he shouted, i heard him in the corridors but i was to weak to do anything i could hear his voice break as he tried to keep his tears in
"i'm sorry Jug, she couldn't do it anymore, she's in room 103 go on through, happy positive thoughts remember" i heard Barb chuckle, i turned away embarrassed of what he'd say as soon as he saw me
"baby" he started i saw his tears as i eventually turned to face him
"i'm sorry Juggie" i whimpered stretching my arms out begging for him to hold me
"it's okay, it's okay, your so so brave and your stronger than this and i'm so proud you tried" he crawled over to me and hugged me tight
"i tried so hard Jug, i really tried"
"one more time baby girl, just please keep trying please" he kissed my head
"i'll try, i promise" i smiled and buried my head into his chest
"i love you Betts, so much" he held me closer to him, if that was even possible
"i love you too"


betty's eating disorder relapse, 6 months ago


i'd just been to Pops and grabbed me and Betty some food, she was still struggling with her depression especially after her suicide attempt last year, i'd met Betty a few years ago when she was deep in depression and struggling badly with her eating disorder it was painful watching her struggle i tried to help her, at least i hoped i helped, i was there for everything, her therapist appointments, her nutritionist appointments, all of her attempts i sat with her for hours, all of everything i was there for, supporting her through it all.

"betts! i've got us Pops! where are you?" i called upstairs and didn't hear anything,
"betty?" i walked upstairs and pushed her bedroom door open and couldn't see her, i saw the bathroom door locked and my heart did race a little knowing her history with her disorder i walked over and knocked on it
"babe, it's me, can i come in?" i heard gagging and my heart dropped to the pit of my stomach
"no please don't" she whimpered, crying a little
"betty please, i need to help you" i heard her shuffle across the floor and unlock it, i immediately walked in and flushed the toilet tears pooling in my eyes as i saw the state that she was in
"i'm sorry" she cried
"it's okay, it's okay" i stroked her hair as i held her in my lap
"please don't tell Barb, please i can do this by myself" she whispered softly after a comfortable silence
"please Jug" i sighed and kissed her head
"as long as you let me help you, your not doing this alone" she nodded and curled up even more in my lap, letting me hold her close
"thank you"
"for what baby girl?"
"for staying and helping me, i'm so fucking messed up Jughead, and yet you chose to stay, why?" she whispered softly
"because i love you, plain and simple, i love you and i want to be here for you when you recover okay? me and you, we're in this together i promise" i kissed her head and rocked her back and forth, slowly and gently letting her fall asleep.

time skip 2 years.

so here we are, me and Betty stood in front of each other about to say 'i do' she wore a beautiful pearly white dress which accented her stunning curves, she looked amazing i couldn't stop myself from crying.

i told her we could do it, and we did.

i hope you guys enjoyed that one!🤍

please please remember to vote and comment your requests for future one shots!
i love you all! x

and if you feel affected/ want to talk about any issues raised in this one shot, please feel free to message me.
i know it was short, i didn't feel like it needed to be long.

l <3

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