•"I just want you to love me"•

834 21 2

Inspired by 356 days w a slight twist

Requested by Arri1134

So I actually wrote this quicker than I thought I would, I was so motivated to get this done!


Day 4:
Dear diary,
I was kidnapped by Jughead Jones, and he has given me 365 days to fall in love with him ugh what a weird kid he his, he's always wanting me, I've given him so many hints to say "dude I don't want to be with you",I must admit, I am liking this lifestyle though, I get whatever i want, when I want, I'm determined to make him hate me so he'll just leave me alone, I'm not fussed about leaving or staying, it's better here than at home at the moment, i'm just saying.

Toodles, Betts xo

"Betty" I heard him softly say against the door
"What fuck head" I grinned mischievously I was gonna make him hate me
"um, breakfast is ready"
I walked out and saw a tired jughead, bed hair and shirtless, must say, it was a nice sight but it was weird at the same time.
"Better not be pancakes again"
"Sorry it is, Toni had left over batter"
"Toni this, Toni that, get over it, stupid idiot"
He breathed in sharply, it was working he'd let me go and it'd all seem like a bad dream, nightmare more like,
"Okay. Sorry, yours are on the side on the kitchen with some stuff to put on top"
"Your seriously gonna eat all of those pancakes Jughead? Do you need them?"
He looked guiltily down at his plate, but stayed silent.
"You know, I reckon you'll die lonely, no one wants you anyways"


I've never been in love until I set my eyes on Betty Cooper, I stupidly kidnapped her, well she willingly came and she's been here for about 157 days now, she's making me life hell, she's picking on me about saying sorry to much, Toni and her relationship with Cheryl, my friends, my weight, my looks, I just want her to love me, I was so tired and done in, I suffered with depression and anxiety I was diagnosed with them when I was 12, I've been dealing with it for 7 years now, my dad couldn't believe it, so he started to drink, so I moved in with Cheryl and Toni, it was nice to have people look out for me, and make sure I take my medication but Betty made me feel so bad I'd just give up taking my pills she was so horrible to me but I couldn't help but love her.


Day 199:
Dear diary,
Making his life hell, is working, he leaves me alone now, he never talks to me, which is so good, I don't have to put up with his irritating voice, I hate it I hate him so much, Cheryl and Toni aren't so bad but they're not really here that much, Toni isn't the biggest fan of me, ditto hunny, ditto.
I'm enjoying annoying him.

Toodles, Betts xo

I looked back at my diary, it was now day 240, Jughead hasn't left his room in 12 days, not going to lie, I was starting to get a bit worried, I missed him waking me up for breakfast, him asking me how my day was, if I wanted anything, if I wanted to shower first, I started to feel a guilty feeling grow in my stomach, almost making me throw up, I left him alone, we avoided each other in the hallways, the dinner table and when we watched TV, he looks tired, skinny and just a bit sick, I felt so bad, I never meant to hurt him as bad as I did, I decided to call Toni seeing as though she knows everything about Jughead,
But she's on a night out Betty don't do it, but I need to know what's wrong with Jughead!
"T? Is that you?"
"Sure is coopey coop"
"Are you drunk"
Perfect she'll tell me everything, she's drunk, the words will fall right out of her lips
"What's wrong with Jughead?"
"Well you see Missss Cooperrr, jug has anxiety and dep- *hiccups* depression since he was like I dunno 12, but ever since he laid eyes in you, he's happy, listen coop, I gotta go, my girl wants to danceeeee"
"By-" the line disconnected, so Jughead was not emotionally okay I just made it worse by about a gazillion percent, I was snapped out of my train of thoughts by an almighty crash, then glass smashing, then about 3 thuds, it was from Jugheads room, I burst into his room to see jughead with nothing but a pair of boxers on and he crying in front of a mirror, everything around him was broken, his picture frames were smashed, his furniture was all tipped over his bed was a mess and his wall had a gaping whole in it, he had blood dripping from his knuckles
"Jug, hey hey, what happened,"
As soon as I asked that question jug just fell to the floor, screaming and crying,
"I just want you to love me Betty, that's all I want, I look in the mirror, and all I see is a sad little broken boy, I just want to be loved, I don't want to hurt you, I just wanted you to love me that's all"
I ran to his side and pulled him into hug, I was sobbing with him at this point, all he wanted was some love, from me, no one else, just me and I was a bitch to him,
"What can I do Betty? What am I doing wrong?, please tell me, please tell me what I'm doing wrong"
"Nothing, your doing nothing wrong, it's me jug, I promise, it's me not you, you are the sweetest person I have ever met, you care for me, you feed me, you wake me when the food is ready, you always let me shower first"
That earned a chuckle from jughead, it was the first time I'd heard him laugh for months
"You always let me put on a movie I want to watch, always no matter how boring, cheesy, old or romantic the movie is, you always put it on with a smile on your face, you do nothing wrong, I was too blind to see that you are the sweetest, nicest boy ever, and I'm prepared to give you a chance, I want to be loved as well, I just didn't know I needed to be love by you"
"Thank you Betty"
I held his face in my hands and wiped his tears
"Hey, it's okay now, I'm here for you, for anything, how about we tidy this up, and I'll clean your hands and we'll put on a movie we both want to watch okay?"
I held onto him for longer until I heard little snores come out of his mouth, I smiled lightly and started to clean up what I could and throw stuff away, I ran him a bath and shook him gently awake, he woke up a bit startled
"Jug, juggie, I ran you a bath, you need one, your tired"
I stroked his hair, and he choked out
"Can- can you come with me? Only if your comfortable"
"Of course I will jug, I will be in, just give me a sec"


Having Betty hold me was nice, I automatically felt loved she climbed in so she was sat in front of me
"Your beautiful you know that?"
she leant her head against my chest and made herself comfortable,
"Your not so bad yourself Jones"
I played with her hair, and just drew soapy words on her back, it was a nice silence until Betty piped up
"Jug, I'm sorry I was so so horrible to you, I didn't know what you were going through with your depression and anxiety I should of been nicer to you, I don't know why your giving me another chance if I'm honest"
"Betts, I have to admit I was a bit hurt but I'm glad you gave me another chance, I'm grateful"
I pressed a kiss on her hair and let her wash mine whilst she was sat in front of me, nothing sexual happened it was just us two looking after each other, the pair of us got out and dry, Betty quicker than me,
I heard her feet run across the floor and felt her jump in my back and giggle, I grabbed her from my back and pulled her in front of me, I started to tickle her sides desperate to hear her laugh, and I did, over and over again,
"Come on Jug, stop I wanna watch a movie,"
"Alright okay, come on coop, let's go"


Day 360
Dear Diary,
I'm so glad I gave jughead a second chance, and to be honest, I'm enjoying myself, HE FINALLY KISSED ME 2 DAYS AGO, OMG IT WAS AMAZING
I want to stay with him, I want to tell him I love him.
Toodles Betts xo

"Baby, can you come here for a sec" I heard jug shout from our bedroom, yes you heard right, we share a room now
"1 sec"
I waltzed into our bedroom and saw jug sat on the edge of the bed
"Yes jug? What's up?"
He was shaking, nervous,
"Okay, I've wanted to tell you something for a while now, I- I love you Betty"
My heart lept, he loved me, I looked at him with the biggest smile on my face,
"Jug, I love you, so much"
He grinned so wide I thought his cheeks would rip, he grabbed me and pulled me on top of him and kissed me so hard, we just lay there for the rest of the day,

So, I realised all I need was some love from Jughead Jones

I'm so proud of this, please please vote!🤍

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