•"break in"•

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I hope you guys enjoy this one!🤍

concept: Betty and Jughead 'breakup' and someone breaks into Betty's house

please please remember to vote and comment your requests for future one shots!

requested by bughead123456789018


glass smashing was all I heard and I knew what was happening, I scrambled to lock the door and hurried back over to grab my phone only to call the one person I knew I shouldn't

"Jesus Betty! Just tell me what's going on, I can't help you if I don't know" he screamed at me
"because I don't fucking know myself Jughead! I don't know what's going on which I need to leave this relationship I can't rely on you to sort all of my problems okay?" Tears were pooling at my eyes
"that's why I'm here Betty, I'm here to help you, you can rely on me to help you with problems okay?" He reached to grab my hands sympathetically
"no Jug, I need to sort this all out by myself, without you, now please leave me alone, we're done" he nodded his head, chewing his lip and with one last sigh from him he was outside leaving me alone to sob in my empty home

that night I cried myself to sleep, I didn't know what to do, I was heartbroken but the black hood made me do it, I didn't know how to tell him what was going on and even if I did the black hood would kill him and then me, I loved Jughead, but I couldn't let him hurt because of my actions, my shrill lollipop ringtone rang through my cold bedroom
"Elizabeth, did you do what I asked" a grim voice spoke down the line
"yes, now please them alone, and me" I cried into the phone
"I don't know, I didn't like that tone you used with me" he tutted
"please! Just fucking leave me alone"
"it's going to be a hard no now Elizabeth, you have one more job" I cut him off
"no, no more jobs I'm begging you please" I begged the line went dead, I sobbed and sobbed
glass smashing was all I heard, and I knew what was happening, I scrambled to lock the door and hurried back over to grab my phone only to call the one person I knew I shouldn't

"Betty? calling to rub more salt in the wound?" He grumbled, I didn't anything apart from let out a loud sob
"please stop playing with me, you said you didn't want to rely on me with your problems and now your crying to me on the phone, it's midnight what do you want?" he groaned again, he sounded so mad
"j-jug there's someone in m-my house" I choked through my tears, I could hear him throw his duvet off
"what? Betty what do you mean?" I could hear him rattling his keys
"I heard glass smashing around 30 minutes after you left, there's people downstairs" I cried quietly
"hold on, stay exactly where you are, in fact lock yourself in your bathroom Betts okay, me and the serpents will be there in 10 okay, it's all going to be okay, do you want to stay on the phone?" He spoke softly this time, as if he really cared
"no they'll hear me, please hurry, I'm fucking scared" i trembled into the phone
"I know Betts, just hold on okay?" I ended the call and huddled closer to the sides of my bath 

"penny Peabody, what are you doing in this house" I heard Jughead's voice
"Hiya Jonesy, well you see, your little girlfriend was rude to our friend, the black hood, and we didn't like that" I could basically hear her smile
"what are you doing with the black hood?" He stuttered
"well we thought we'd kill two birds with one stone, you didn't finish our drug delivery and she didn't do what she was told so, here we are" she chuckled I started to cry again


so Betty was in this mess because of me
"penny please just leave her alone"
"no no" she grinned again
I didn't have time to think before I'd lunged at her and punched her, the serpents attacked the Ghoulies and I was still punching Penny when I heard a timid voice behind me say
"juggie stop your gonna hurt her" she ran over and was pulling me off of her by my shoulders
"I need to" I kept on punching
"jug-" she grabbed my face pulling me away
"-stop, let's go get your hand cleaned up okay?" She stroked my face, I nodded and followed her up to her room
"what are we doing with these asshats" Toni asked
"I don't care, get them out of my sight" I waved my hand and walked up the stairs

"you didn't have to punch her Jug" Betty sighed as she bandaged up my hand
"yes I did, she's hurting you, I don't like seeing you upset okay?" I wiped a tear from falling from her face
"I'm sorry I broke up with you Jug, I didn't have a choice" she sobbed into my arms

Betty then explained what happened to her, I forgive her, I had no choice I still loved her

I hope you guys enjoyed that one!!

please please remember to vote and comment your requests for future one shots!!
love you all❤️


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