•"eating disorder" rewrite 2•

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i hope you guys enjoy this second part!🤍

please please remember to vote and comment your requests for future one shots.

this is the last part of the rewrite.

trigger warning for mentions of eating disorders, please do not read if this will make you uncomfortable!

disclaimer: in no way am i making fun of eating disorders or people with eating disorders, these things are serious, i urge you to ask for help if you struggle, i'm always here!


betty dropped to the floor and i panicked, i kneeled to where she was lying and started to gently shake her, attempting to wake her up she didn't move, i suddenly realised she wasn't moving so i dialled 911, picked her up bridal style and carried her outside, it was lesson time so we didn't worry about having a crowd, it was like carrying a feather she was so light.
i sat on the steps outside of the school waiting for the ambulance, once they got here i was still cradling her limp body, rocking her back and forth slightly going the soft movement might wake her up
"excuse me sir? are you the one who called the ambulance?" a paramedic came up to me
"yeah, yeah i am, she just dropped on the floor and won't wake up" i stammered letting them put her body on a stretcher
"are you coming with us or are you driving up later on?" they asked once they'd secured her in the vehicle
"uhh, yeah i will" i said gratefully and climbed in, i held her hand the entire way stroking it softly
"so, how long have you two been together?" the paramedic asked smiling, punching something into the ipad
"oh we- we aren't dating i've just moved here i work for the school newspaper with her" his mouth fell into an 'o' and nodded looking back at the screen in front of him.

we arrived at the hospital and they wheeled her right away from me, i went to walk with her but a doctor stopped me
"sorry sir, you can't come with her, please wait in the waiting room and we'll call you when you can see her" she said, pushing me back gently, i nodded and sighed walking to the room, my head in my hands, i was ripped from my thoughts when my dad started to ring me
"why the hell aren't you in school" he yelled
"dad i'm in the hospital, this girl betty who i work with in the blue and gold fainted and i'm with her now" i sighed, i could hear him let out a breath
"okay son, i'm coming now, i'm going to ring her mother on the way i grew up with her, sit tight i'll be there soon i promise, thank you for going with her Alice will appreciate that" and with that he hung up the phone and i leaned back in the soft chair waiting for the doctor to come back
"anyone for Elizabeth Cooper?" she poked her head round, i jumped up in my seat
"yes, yes i am her moms gonna be here soon, can-can i see her" my words crumbled out of my mouth
"of course, just be gentle with her, her eating disorder got the best of her today" she smiled and walked off to tend to another patient, i took mental note of her room and walked in, seeing betty tied up to a million machines, her situated in the middle, she waved a feeble greeting and i sat down on the chair next to her
"so, did i get into the blue and gold" i chuckled trying to lift her spirits
"well i didn't finish reading it but it's good so far and i need help so i guess your in" she giggled, coughing slightly
"your probably wondering what happened huh?" she said, i didn't want to push her but i wanted to know what did happen
"yeah, i do" i grabbed her hand softly and rubbed it over
"well, i was diagnosed with an eating disorder around 7 months ago, it was getting better until i said something to an ex friend of mine and she pushed me back into it, making comments on my body, bringing me down, my mom doesn't know about it, neither do my friends or my boyfriend, soon to be ex your the only person that does, and to top it all off reggie was cheating on me" she shrugged, smiling brokenly
"god betty, i'm so fucking sorry, listen i called my dad and he's called your mom they're both on their way here now i think now is the time you tell her about it" i rubbed her arm up and down trying to comfort her as she nodded in agreement
"i know, i know" she smiled.

we talked for what felt like hours but it was nice before her mom and my dad came in, Alice was in fits of tears
"oh betty!" she cried and fling herself in her daughters arms
"Alice be careful she's in hospital for a reason" my dad chuckled at the force her mom hugged betty with, she pulled back and this time gently hugged her
"mom i'm sorry" betty burst out into tears
"i know baby, the doctor told me, i'm gonna help you i promise it's all going to get better okay? if it's the last thing i do" Alice kissed her daughters head before the doctor came in
"Elizabeth you can leave in a few hours,we need to keep you under our watch for a few days and it's advised you attend therapy for your eating disorder, Mrs Cooper if you could come with me for second you need to sign some forms for us" the doctor informed us, leading Alice and my dad out, i turned my head back to betty who had tears dribbling down her face
"it's gonna be okay i promise, i'll help you recover it's all going to be alright" i reassured her and kissed her forehead and wiped the tears away from her face she nodded feebly and shuffled along ebbing me on to sit on the bed with her, i sat next to her and pulled her into my arms, running my fingers softly through her hair, taking in its golden glow and softness

time skip 7 years.

i helped betty recover for 7 years, we had our ups and downs, she had her highs and lows she nearly fell into her disorder again but i was always there to help
"juggie the baby fat won't go i'm so fat" she whined, tears falling down her face as she stood in didn't if her full body mirror, i jumped up and out of bed, wrapping my arms around her waist
"betts, you gave birth 3 months ago, it isn't going to go just like that my love, and no your not fat your absolutely gorgeous, see that stomach of yours that carried our little baby boy in there, for nine months you homed a human, and i love you for that, don't ever think those thoughts again okay?" i kissed her cheek softly as she wiped her tears away and smiled
"i love you too jug" she turned around in my arms and let me hold her
"i love you so much" i smiled into her hair
"i love you more" she giggled kissing my chest

i hope you guys enjoyed that one!🤍

i genuinely found it so so cute

please please remember to vote and comment your requests for future one shots!
love you all!❤️


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